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Homosexuality in corn snakes?


Only slightly crazy...
Last night, I was cleaning my 4-year old unsexed blizzards cage, so I plopped 'him' in with my hypo pied blood proven male. Well, I kinda was hoping he would be a she, to jumpstart a pewter and hypo pewter project, heck, pied pewters possibly! But he starting chasing my proven hypo blood all over!! He even showed off his hemepene! o_O I guess the sexual tension is a bit to high for him to restrain himself. I separated them after about 5 minutes. But thats one way of sexing your snake that isn't written in the books!!

Anyone else share similar experiences?
At least I guess right when I named him, and won't have to change his name. lol :p
I don't think it was a sexual thing, I think it was a dominance thing.
And I am sure it caused a great deal of stress for both of them.
It's a dominance/aggression display and a good reason why two males should never be put together. Physical harm can come to the one which loses.
My partner was ridiculously excited when I commented I thought Dexter might be gay, as he showed no interest in any female for months. Turns out the poor guy was just having performance anxiety. :nope:
Probably no more stressful than being put in a deli cup surrounded by styrofoam peanuts in a pitch black box, being tossed in a truck before flying at 35,000 feet, then back on the truck to get to your door.

Actually, putting two males together was once suggested to me to get my nonperforming male more assertive. I stayed with them for about ten minutes while they both fought for the dominant position. Next day, he hooked up with the female.

I also put males together to brumate. They scuffle for 10-15 minutes before settling down for their nap.
This is almost exactly what happened with my missexed Christmas hypo Lola. Wrassling and excitement with the males I tried to mate 'her' with, no different to the pursuit of a female that's not ready to breed, then out popped Lola's hemis! No evidence of any harm, and Lola was excited enough by the process to prove his manhood very shortly afterwards.
Both of them did settle down quickly once separated, nothing I assumed was out of the ordinary since I'm sure males do meet in the wild and similar confrontations occur.

Dwyn127: I'll remember that and if ever faced with the scenario, I'll give that a try. The concept of this helping males with poor performance could be a good preposition. I don't see why not to try it, as long as I am 100% that both males eat regularly and have no parasites or other issues. :)

All in all, I'm glad to know he's a boy. I hope I didn't hurt Vlad(the victim)s ego! Extra rat pup for him this week for being a good sport. LOL!