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Hot side 107.9 degrees?!?! WTH?!?!


Desperate to Edit
I know it's late, but I was just getting to bed and checked Saga's temps like I always do every time I enter my room before turning out the light to go to bed.... The temp was 107.9 degrees F AND THE UTH WAS STILL ON. I have this thermostat. I bought it new and have had it since roughly mid January. I thought $45 was supposed to get you a good one?? I have it set for between 75-80, but it always runs a bit hot; it maintained temps between 84-91. The probe is right next to the the probe for the thermometer, on the glass under about 2.5-3 inches of aspen chips (which I think I can now smell burning just a little bit...). Both probes are held in place by suction cups.

Her temps were normal two hours ago! I unplugged the blasted thing as soon as I saw the temps. The only thing I can figure is that there's something wrong with the probe that's been wrong since I got it. The light that says the the heater is on was STILL on, and the heat kept climbing to 110 before it finally started cooling down... Thank god Saga had the good sense to be on the cold side, where it's still only 70 at the glass....

Anybody have any suggestions on what I should try next to replace THIS thermostat?
Was the probe in the middle of the UTH?

I've had mixed results with the BAH thermostats and stopped using them a couple models before this one.

The price of a Herpstat seems quite high, but the reliability is worth the peace of mind. I used to recommend the Alife as a cheaper alternative, but they don't seem to be manufactured any longer.
Also, I've had kind of poor customer service with BAH regarding thermometers that had bad LCD displays (still my VERY preferred brand of thermometer...)
Get a Helix or a Herpstat. I like Helix because I can fix them myself if they break. I don't have to send them off.
What kind of repairs are you comfortable doing yourself, David?

I've never had to send a Herpstat in for repair, actually. They have user-replaceable fuses, though.
I've done probes, fuses, etc. Helix's rarely present an issue, but if they do you can fix them very easily.
I have the Hydrofarm MTPRTC Digital Thermostat For Heat Mats that Amazon carries. I've had it for about 6 months and, when set at 84, it keeps my temps constantly between 82-86. In my opinion, cant beat $40 for a digital stat.
I do ambient temps, but I now have a double t-stat setup.

I have a Johnson Control A419 plugged into my radiant oil heater, & a Ranco ETC hooked up to the JC t-stat. That way, if the JC t-stat fails, the Ranco will shut off if it gets above the set temp. I have the backup t-stat set for 1 degree over the main t-stat.
Thanks for the replies, everyone. :)

Yes, the probe is in place, smack in the center of the UTH on the glass at the bottom.

Holy god, the herpstat is pricey!! o.o That'll have to wait until after payday before I can order that sucker.... o.o Still, it does look like the answer to all my problems. >_< Saga's gonna have to wait a while. :p
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