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How Blind are they? Eating Anything...


New member
So we put Zabulon in his feeding container last night and decided to give him 2 pinkies since 1 doesn't do much for him (got that idea from this forum!)

Well he wandered around for a good chunk of time, finally smells mouse on his tail, gets close to the pinkies... and tries to eat the ground. Seriously, he was trying to eat the plastic ground multiple times. So we laughed at first, made sure he wasn't hurting himself, then he found the first pinkie and ate it.
He looked around and found the second by pushing it with his tail and getting his tail under it. He then tried to eat and and nipped his tail (not enought to do anything other than drop the pinkie a second).

Should we be feeding him another way? He is normally so hyper when we put him in the feeding container him finding the food on his own was fine.
Should he be this blind or unable to find food??
Hmm... that sounds a BIT odd... was he in blue when he was fed? They have limited vision when they are blue and that could explain why he was having so much trouble....
my snake was funny when in her first blue. struck the cage, my finger, nothing but air. It was funny and sad at the same time.
He had shed about a week and a half prior to the incident, so we couldn't think of anything other than poor eye sight. Unless he is also very unintelligent, he is also from a pet store, I don't know if snakes can be bred to not be good at surviving even in captivity.
Was the last shed easy and whole?
If you kept it look at the head portion and make sure the eye caps are there.
The shed was in 2 halfs, the front and the back, we checked him and the skin after to make sure everything came off.
I know he can se me since if I move my hand too near the tank he will back off, same when we are putting him in the feeder - if he sees a hand he backs up and tenses. But finding food seems to be the issue.
He has nice looking red eyes, they don't look messed up or anything.
I have noticed my corn do this once....Was this his first feed in a plastic container?
When my corn 'tried to eat the ground' it was because of the plastic I believe (and that it was the curved side), and it acted as a mirror image, he was fine the next time I fed him.

Mine, was not in shed.
I have noticed my corn do this once....Was this his first feed in a plastic container?
When my corn 'tried to eat the ground' it was because of the plastic I believe (and that it was the curved side), and it acted as a mirror image, he was fine the next time I fed him.

Mine, was not in shed.

He gets fed in a empty p[lastic container, but it wasn't the first time. However it was the first time with 2 pinkies, which may have had more mass to make more of a reflection off the tank - which would make sense for something with limited eyesight.

Snakes vision reacts to movement. If the pinkie is not moving then the snake is not sure what is food. I usually move mine around a little until they grab it. If the whole container smells like dinner he may be just a little confused as to where the meal is.