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how long do frozen fuzzies last?


New member
Frozen pinks at petco are very small and 1.60 ea...they don't offer fuzzies either...so I'm thinking of going bulk. But in a deep freezer how long would they last? One site said 2 months I think. That seems to short...I've eaten chicken that had been in the freezer much longer than that and never had any ill effects.
The mice with hair do last longer than pinkies. I order about 6 months to a year at a time and break up the orders. I have the ziploc vacuum bags. And I break them up into a few months at a time. Example for 1 snake eating once a week I would put 12 in a bag and make a bunch of little bags. That way you are only exposing a few mice every time you open the bag that way when you get down to the 100 mouse it is not horribly freezer burnt. But from what I understand that haired mice can last up to a year.

Rodent Pro has a great FAQ section that answers this as well. http://rodentpro.com/qpage_faqs.asp
I know mine have stayed good for six months. I don't know about longer than that, because they were all eaten. I don't have a vacuum system. I double-bagged them in Ziploc freezer bags. It worked great.
That's a much better time than 2 months lol. Thanks. I have thousands of small zip lock bags that I use for wool samples so I guess individually containing them wouldn't be a bad idea. Thanks again for the link :)
Your welcome. I always think it is better to buy in bulk. Sometimes it hurts to do the big number up front but in the long run it is so much cheaper. I have a couple friends that don't want to pay for a bulk order and I even offered to include it with mine so shipping would be cheap. But they prefer to do a few at a time and I get to laugh every time they say "I have to go get mice". Really I don't.
I just found out that I can pre-order frozen mice and pick them up at the expo in Lexington :) I think ill place an order next Tuesday :)
It took us six or seven months to go through a bag of 100 pinkies, and the ones at the bottom of the bag were fine up until the end. We have ours in a baggy inside a tupperware container (more for aesthetics than anything), plus I hoped the doubled container would keep them longer.

The snakes didn't complain about them.
I'm very pleased to hear this. I only have 1 lil ol corn right now but have made up my mind on getting at least 2 more in the next few months so perhaps if nothin' else this can be my reason lol...a little self justification never hurt anybody right?
heh...that's what I used as justification for our third and fourth ;

"But...but...our two little babies can't eat them all by themselves. We need at least two more to help them out ;)"

I couldn't really use it as justification for our next two, since they were adults, but I think at that point, hubby was resigned to more snakes :)
heh...that's what I used as justification for our third and fourth ;

"But...but...our two little babies can't eat them all by themselves. We need at least two more to help them out ;)"

I couldn't really use it as justification for our next two, since they were adults, but I think at that point, hubby was resigned to more snakes :)

That worked for me too. Except it was I could feed 10 more snakes for the price we find these 5 now.
That worked for me too. Except it was I could feed 10 more snakes for the price we find these 5 now.

Glad to see I'm not the only one using this sort of justification. Mine is that I was torn between getting my first corn and a veiled chameleon. Decided to go with the corn and glad I did because I really don't want to deal with feeding crickets or other insects again. Buying crickets in bulk was never an option when I had beardies because I only had 2 and they didn't eat them all before they died, so I'd have to go to Petsmart and spend about $5 per week. So, assuming I'd be feeding about the same amount to an adult chameleon, $5 a week is $20 a month...let's see...I can feed about 20 cornsnakes for that amount! Hehe! I think realistically either 10 or 12 is my limit. :)
Yea...I'm addicted alright...I got it bad man...just one more I swear, just to make this itch go away!!!!!
Lol! How many do you have and how many do you think you want? I really think 10-12 is my max. I'd like to have all of them displayed in my livingroom eventually in either premade stackables like Neodesha or 2 big custom bookcase style units with 5-6 vivs each. Anything more than that and I don't think I'd have the space to accommodate them the way I want to.
I'm very pleased to hear this. I only have 1 lil ol corn right now but have made up my mind on getting at least 2 more in the next few months so perhaps if nothin' else this can be my reason lol...a little self justification never hurt anybody right?

I buy from Mice Direct and they send their mice in vacuum packs of 25 so you dont have to go through them that fast. And mine are good with no air for a year. Ive never had any breakdown issues as long as you keep them consistently frozen and sealed up nice and tight. :3 after a year though...thats pushing it lol, ive not had to save that long for a long while, now i buy mice every 6 months and order with a bunch of buddies locally. Craigslist is a great place to get people to pitch in :p
How do you know they're bad? Do they look or smell different when they get too old? Can you tell when they're frozen or do you have to defrost first?

I'm asking because I found a bag of mice that's over a year old in the back of the freezer and they look fine but I haven't opened it yet.
How do you know they're bad? Do they look or smell different when they get too old? Can you tell when they're frozen or do you have to defrost first?

I'm asking because I found a bag of mice that's over a year old in the back of the freezer and they look fine but I haven't opened it yet.

after you defrost them you can usually tell by how the organs look through the skin and how soft the mouse is. Adult mice should be relatively firm, organs shouldnt SUPER easily squish around, and same thing with the fuzzies, they shouldnt tear or squish too easily (of course they are still kinda delicate :p ) Ive gotten mice from the petstore that you could tell were just crappy and tore or fell apart because they were so old when you reheated them. It was pretty gross...

but yeah the process of freezing meats and veggis breaks down the cells, so they just get soft and kinda fall apart, as well as loose nutrients.
I have 1 today, I have plans on getting 2 more in a few weeks and then im thinking up to 3 or 4 more after that, we are buying a house soon so that will help out a bit :)