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how many of you weigh your snakes?


New member
i only have one adult amel. ive been thinking getting another snake now that things have settled down a bit. is there a perticular reason you guys weigh them other than when their babies? i understand that cuse you can track growth and how much their actually eating? i get the extra attention for the babies. but is there a reason for it for adults?
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The only time I weigh my snakes is when they are babies, if there is a problem that I am monitoring or during breeding season (the girls). And most the time it is out of my own curiosity during breeding season cause it doesn't change the way I feed or care for the girls.
I have never weighed a snake in over 30 years of keeping them.

Nor me, in twenty years!

By the time they get to adult, you're experienced enough to be able to see weight coming off and ramp up feeding if necessary. Weight creeping up can be a bit more difficult to spot - it goes on very slowly and is then a beggar to shift when you finally do notice.
I weigh mine every time I feed them. I can spot weight gain/loss trends easier that way. With the adults, it allows me to fine tune their feeding schedule. I just like the interaction.
I weigh them periodically, moreso with the younger ones.
I'm going to try & do it after each shed. So far though, it's just periodic.
I weigh mine every time I feed them. I can spot weight gain/loss trends easier that way. With the adults, it allows me to fine tune their feeding schedule. I just like the interaction.
Same here...
I weigh mine when I am curious :)
I weigh my ball python the most because he has eating issues, and I want to make sure he doesn't drop weight. I don't weigh during feeding because I feed mine in their cages, so they don't come out and get put in a different tub. I figure that as long as they are eating and they are muscular and not squishy, then they are just fine!
I weigh mine when I feed them too. Mostly because I am new, and have a hard time believing how much snakes can eat! It helps me know when to bump up their food and such, but I am starting to get a handle on it without it now. It's amazing how much weight mine have gained in the short time I have owned them.
My corn is an adult, so I just weigh him occasionally out of curiosity. My two youngest to keep track of their growth. My ball python because he's currently on a hunger strike and losing a bit of weight. Gotta keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't lose too much.
I weigh mine 3 to 4 times a year. Definitely when going into, and coming out of, brumation. It's an interesting statistic to watch for your collection and for individual snakes. The other time I really focus on doing it is after egg laying. You would be astonished how much weight is actually lost during the process. Visual inspection really doesn't compare to the actual numbers.

New snake owner but I decided a while back I'd try to weigh Snake periodically just to help monitor growth.

my plan is to get a rough length using the snake length calculator at serpwidgets and a rough weight with a set of kitchen scales once a month just before feeding.

Just so I can keep an eye on growth, and I'm a little worried that he's slightly thin, where he was in a pet shop Snake only got a feeding once per 7 days, and he was apparently a week or two late getting his first feed after the first shed. When handling him, even with the lightest touch I can still feel the spine while they slither around.

This way i can make sure that Snake is actually gaining either weight or length from the feedings. I've got a feeling Snake's just getting longer rather than fatter, but this way I can make sure.
I sometimes weigh mine, but just to follow growth. I swear that it seems like she grows after every feed so I get curious and weigh her, but her weight doesn't shift much. I know I'm not imagining things though! It must be such a negligible weight to register on the scale (she's at 7g last I weight her), but on such a small animal, the size change is apparent.
That's why I like to weigh them, with some baby corns it seems they grow longer first and then fatten up, while others it seems they fattem up first and then get longer.

The ones who fatten up first are probably better candidates for the munson plan, while the ones who get longer first will probably take a little longer before you up the size they're on.

This is just from watching the corns grow at a local store though, so pure conjecture. My corn is around 16 inches atm, 15g I figure when they reach a point of 1g of weight per 1inch of length it might be worth looking in to upping to two pinks, rather than following the munson plan precisely i'd rather wait a little longer before going up a size than go up a size too soon, risk a regurgitation and then have to wait even longer to go up a size.

Hence why i'm taking length / weight each month... and to track growth.
I have a scale, and I weigh mine occasionally just out of curiosity. It also made me feel better when I had a snake with a URI who went off feed during treatment and several months afterward, as I could tell that she wasn't dropping any weight.