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How often should he poop?


New member
Our new corn is doing great. He has eaten twice now, once a week. This is a new experience for me since our first didn't eat no matter what I tried.

So my question is it was a week between feedings and he has not pooped ONCE. Last feeding was saturday so 4 days have gone by now, and still nothing. Is this normal? :shrugs:

Oh and this has nothing to do with my post topic, but a kingsnake we adopted shed today!!!! It was so awesome!!!
Different for every snake. Mine always goes on the 2nd night after a meal, and again in his feeding box on day 7. 4+ days is normal though. Nothing to worry about.

If your snake is really small (hatchling) the poops might be hard to find too depending on what substrate you use.
yeah i got mine last week, he's eaten twice and he poops a pretty small ammount almost everyday, he's still a hatchling
I always have a feeling that when I hold mine and they havn't pooped yet that they'll do it on me, so I pick them up for like 2 minutes, put them (which ever one I'm holding, not both at once) back in the viv, I come back 10 minutes later, and there is almost always feces there, so then I can hold them with no problems.
I guess should have checked one more time before I posted. After I logged off last night I checked his viv and he did it!!! YEA!!
Haha.. yeah, mine corn tries to poo on me all the time, too. I'll take her out and put her back in her viv when I can tell she's about to.. but she won't go in the cage!! Such a goober. I'm honestly starting to think she waits until she's out. Now I keep a paper towel handy. :shrugs: