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humidity to high?


New member
I set all my supplies up, branches uth thermostat hides water bowel everything is wonderful and temping right...I'm happy and excited to get a new little friend...its a beautiful home. One problem, the humidity is at 75 lol. I've tried everything. Took the substrate out and used papertowels...no change went back to aspen and changed the size of the water bowel....nope. moved the bowel to every position in the tank...I even had a friend of mine drill little holes in one side of the aquarium. so by now I figure I've got a bad hydrometer (sp?) And changed it. Still reading the same lmao...I'm stumped. Any ideas?
I had this same problem!

There was only two options that I could come up with. The first involves a dehumidifier for the room, which I didn't have. The second option was a small space heater.

Higher temps = lower humidity. So with the room sitting at around 69-71 ambient (tank was around 68-69 on the cool side) I pulled out my space heater and bumped the ambient room temp to around 76. Now the cool side reads around 73 and the humidity went from around 75% to 55%. Depending on what room of your house you have this set up in and what the room temp is already, this may be a good route for you to consider. For me it just happened to solve two problems at once!

Hope it helps!
I will try the space hearer before I go drop more money on a dehumidifier lol. But thanks so much completly forgot to consider the room as being a varible...lol makes since though doesn't it.
Okay so my space heater is in the attic and I don't have the snake yet so I wasn't worried enough to climb up last night...but I had an epiphany instead! When I dropped my cellphone in the toilet I was told to put it in a bowl of rice to pull out the moisture! I quickly stitched together a small bag made of netting and filled it with rice and stitched the top shut...then just dropped it in the corner and went to bed. When I woke up this morning the tank is down to 65 :) I'm pleased and seeing as it is food for people (actually an organic brand I enjoy lol) I can't see how it could be damaging to my future pet for future use. Any thoughts or reason I should think this is dangerous?
Okay so my space heater is in the attic and I don't have the snake yet so I wasn't worried enough to climb up last night...but I had an epiphany instead! When I dropped my cellphone in the toilet I was told to put it in a bowl of rice to pull out the moisture! I quickly stitched together a small bag made of netting and filled it with rice and stitched the top shut...then just dropped it in the corner and went to bed. When I woke up this morning the tank is down to 65 :) I'm pleased and seeing as it is food for people (actually an organic brand I enjoy lol) I can't see how it could be damaging to my future pet for future use. Any thoughts or reason I should think this is dangerous?

Wow that's smart! I always put my heat lamp on and my UTH off but it only lowers the humidity as long as i use the heat lamp. And if the snakes can't swallow the rice by accident i don't see why this isn't a good method.
Well done! I had thought about this too for the same reasons as you but I was concerned about the rice itself (would it be harmful) and I didn't know what to put it in. Now it occurs to me that I also don't know how to sew!

Fantastic job! As before keep us posted and PICTURES!!!
I'm thinking about putting the rice in a plastic container with holes at the top. No way the snake can get too it and the rice can't fall out of the holes because they are on the top.
I'm thinking about putting the rice in a plastic container with holes at the top. No way the snake can get too it and the rice can't fall out of the holes because they are on the top.

I may be concerned about it being knocked over depending on the size/weight of the container. I still don't know if it would be harmful to the snake, but it would make a heck of a mess! Perhaps many many holes which are too small for the rice to escape from?
I may be concerned about it being knocked over depending on the size/weight of the container. I still don't know if it would be harmful to the snake, but it would make a heck of a mess! Perhaps many many holes which are too small for the rice to escape from?

That would work too.
That is a brilliant solution!

I don't think rice would be dangerous at all for a snake.
You could probably even use rice mixed into the substrate if you wanted.
What is it going to do? The snake definitely won't eat it. Rice is large enough to not have the same problems sand does.

You could put rice in a stocking and tie the top shut for those of us with no sewing skills.
Stocking make sense. If there is no risk that could arise from rice as there would be with sand, then I'm definitely 100% on board!