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Hypo pied blood with a twist.


Only slightly crazy...
And quite a literal twist at that...

I got this eye candy from a friend who breeds corn snakes here in my neighborhood. They usually don't bother with any kinked hatchlings, so I asked if I could have her. I'm so glad I could spare her and give her a great home! She's a GORGEOUS girl and although the kink does impair her movement a little bit, I hoping it will clear up and become less visible as she starts eating more often and gaining some weight. =]

No name yet, but I have a few cute ideas. For the heart on her head maybe Valentine? I love her so much already. For a hypo pied blood, she's prettier than my male! I feel so spoiled having two of these beautiful snakes. I really do!

Anyway, here is the star of the show! I hope you all enjoy.



You can see her kink a little bit here. It's not as bad as kinks can be, so she's pretty darn lucky.



Cute head pattern!


And a better shot of the kink. From an overhead view, you can't even see it.
My biggest concern is that it's near her heart, and large meals may cause discomfort or more serious problems. I'll just have to take extra caution around feeding time and probably try to get her to eat just the pinkie heads.

Whether or not I breed her in the far future depends on how the kink looks in four years, giving the extra year to make sure she's big and strong. I won't if it still impairs her moving abilities, but we'll see. Only time will tell. :shrugs:
Yes, nice pick up.

I've seen several really really nice fires and bloodreds and pieds that came from a not-large-scale breeder of very pretty snakes in the Palm Beach/Miami area. For very reasonable prices. Said breeder culled hatchlings,...that I think any of us would be happy to adopt. I wonder if that is the same person.
Beautiful. The kink just adds to her beauty. :)

Well it makes me worry more than I probably need to. But it sure gives her a distinct personality!! I love how she wobbles when she slithers. It's cutely pathetic that she doesn't make the "S" shape when she moves. lol
I wouldnt worry about her heart- snakes dont have diaphragms and the heart can move around lots, which can help them when they swallow large meals anyway. Its a nice small kink so hopefully it'll grow out soon :)