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I got a baby corn!


New member
Thanks to everyone who has been http://www.cornsnakes.com/forums/showthread.php?p=274814#post274814 ]helping me on this forum[/URL] (as well as the ColoradoHerp message board) get info on getting a baby corn in Colorado.

With no intentions of buying through them, I went to Petco just to see. But then I totally fell for a baby corn they had there.


So.... I bought him/her. Still trying to figure out sexing techniques, because Petco knew nothing about the snake. Didn't know what variety of corn it was, nor sex, or even age. I am guessing the age must be between 3 and 5 months. (S)he is pretty small still, but looked pretty healthy to me. The photo is crap. (S)he is still a bit shy yet, so I didn't have time to fix the settings on my camera which were in place from a shoot the other day. (S)he is bright yellow and orange. The yellow is much more vivid than shows here. More pics later when (s)he is more relaxed.

Any ideas as to what morph (s)he is?

Now I have to find a nearby herp vet, since although I hear good things about the one mentioned in the Colorado Breeder thread, it's pretty far from my neck of the woods.

Also still considering getting a second baby corn. My husband and I have talked about having his and hers. But we'll see. This is our first snake. Maybe we ought not push it.
Awww s/he is gorgeous, and you got yourself a lovely little amel there :)

Btw we all say no more, but its so addictive! You will have a full house soon enough lol! Self control is something i dont have :(

Good luck with your first snake :)
Thanks! I love my new baby. :eek: Just wish I could actually see it a little more -- s/he is buried in the substrate and seems content to stay put for now.

So now that I am a member of a new club (snake owners, and more specifically corn snake owners/lovers) I feel I should make some new snakey friends! My current friends think my husband and I are nuts. It's funny. No one bats an eye when you get a dog or cat or rabbit or something, they say, "Oh you did? How sweeeeeeet. Can I see a picture?" But with the snake it is like "WHAT???" or at best "I didn't know you were into snakes." Which is funny to me, because I don't know that I think I am especially. I am just an animal person in general. And now I have to worry about who won't come over anymore, and who will be willing to snakesit when we go out of town, since our cat/dog sitters are kind of iffy on the snake thing. I'm like, come on people, it's not like it's a 20ft python or viper or something dangerous!

Did any of you change friend sets at all when you got snakes, or did people just accept it and move on?
I haven't changed friend sets, but have had some pretty irrational responses! My mum is fascinated by every pet we get, except she has a phobia about the budgie flying free, so he stays in his cage, but she will stroke the snakes. One of my best friends has a snake phobia, but can now watch me feeding or handling them, in return she's lending me her pony to get my riding nerve back!
Some people at work actually shudder about the snakes, and can't understand how I could have them in my bedroom, but they are all insisting on regular updates on Lil's progress. :shrugs:
ack no one bothers, we did get the initial "hmm ok..." reaction, but everythings calmed down now...

but then most scotts are weird anyways ;)

You will see it more often as it gets used to its new loving home :) have you got any pictures of the setup?
lisahurley said:
Did any of you change friend sets at all when you got snakes, or did people just accept it and move on?
Some of my friends think it's a little odd, some think it's cool, and some don't care. When I showed a friend of mine a pic of a diffused lav, she signed up on my waiting list. Mind you, I won't be producing diffused lavenders for at least another 3 years.

At first, my family thought I was a little loony. My then 73 year old mother thought that her then 45 year old son was going Goth, or something along that line. :rolleyes:

lisahurley said:
Did any of you change friend sets at all when you got snakes, or did people just accept it and move on?

1st Welcome! :cheers:

2nd It is weird the way people react when you tell them that you got a snake no matter what kind you get some people act like you brought home a rattler. I put pics of two of my snakes up in my office and have had some negative comments... What bugged/bugs me about non-snake people is that once they learn that you like/keep snakes they have to tell you about every snake killing story they ever heard!! That is why I like this forum, I can talk about my snakes and other people get it.

As far as snake sitting, I have to find someone myself next summer because I will be gone six weeks. I think that I have it covered. But you might try contacting smaller pet stores to see if they will care for your snake for a price. Or if you have a University close see if there is a Herptology dept/vet school/even biology dept that might be willing to watch it. If you not gone more than a week all they really need to do is check the water and temp.

lisahurley said:
...Did any of you change friend sets at all when you got snakes, or did people just accept it and move on?

Nahhhhh! My friends just squirm and make faces and say, "...eeeewwwww..." when I tell them that I have snakes. There were some that made, "I-didn't-take-you-for-a-'snake person'"-kind of statments. LOL! To answer your question, No, I didn't lose or change any of my friends just because I own snakes and geckos. I've just made more friends. :) Actually, my whole family has been into reptiles. My husband had snakes when he was a child and my youngest step-daughter has 3 Crested Geckos. My mother-in-law had turtles and frogs in the past and is slowly warming up to my corn snakes. She liked Rocky, my gopher snake that I had.
Some acquaintances have given me weird looks upon hearing of the snakes, but most of my friends are "animal people" and don't even bat an eye.

Your snake is a really pretty amelanistic. You should see him/her out more often as s/he gets comfortable in the new environment. :)