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It's Nat and Crowley! (In CA, USA)


New member
Hello! After one of my students brought his corn snake into the library looking for an adopter, I was charmed! The adoptee hopefully found a home (it wasn't me, even though I volunteered) and I was left very sad under the impression I couldn't afford one of my own.

Then one of my friends mentioned wishing after one recently, and I realized I could afford to look again. I had done a lot of research when I thought I was going to be adopting, but I was surprised that the pet store was a) so reasonably priced and b) had such a knowledgeable associate. (I think I was just lucky? He took care of them in the store and knew everything there was to know, it seemed--and nothing I've read here or elsewhere has proven him wrong.) I held two of the three corns they had, and Chad definitely stood out though they were all extremely well-cared for.

Crowley, also called Chad (because my roommate and I are snarky that way) is quite the gentleman (or lady, I think we're assuming gentleman, for right now), even if he's not "fancy." I think he's gorgeous and he's <i>so</i> well-behaved. Chad chomped and gulped a pinky yesterday with no hesitation, and now he's basking for another day or two of leisure before I get to take him out again.

I've been skimming the forums and looking at breeders--though I have no plans to buy another until Chad is nice and settled--reading books and mining articles for the last two days. I'm enjoying the heck out of myself and I can't get over how COOL it is just watching him.

Chad and I live in Orange County, and if there are breeders or reptile stores or like-minded folk about we'd love to meet you. Besides librarianship I also play video games and study martial arts nearby. Chad's interests include buttons, crooks of arms, and burrowing in aspen bedding.

Anyway, here's Crowley also called Chad (better photos to come later):


And a blurry headshot, if you're interested.

Hello! :D
Welcome to the forum! That is a nice looking snake. Good luck, because once you have been bitten, there is no turning back!

Hello Nat, welcome.
Nice to see you're looking everywhere for info, anything you can't find you can ask in these forums.