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Just fed my 14 inch baby corn snake 2 pinkies!


New member
So I was kinda nervous to feed him 2 pinkies cause I wasn't sure if he was able too. But he did!:) is it okay to feed them 2 pinkies a week? Every 7 days
Normally you feed a snake only one food item per meal.
Snakes are opportunist and will eat as many as they can get but it's not really healthy for them to do so. If you have a hatching you can feed it one item every five days and when the snake is ready to move up a size then you feed it two food items for a few feeding until you move it up to the one larger food item.

did I say that right???
I was under the impression that it went from single pinks, to double pinks, to fuzzies. Was I wrong?


But my impression is that it's better for the snake to feed it one food item not two.

I go by the rule of feeding it one food item that is 1 1/2 the snake girth.

When the snake grows, I feed it two items for a few feeding then move it up to a large size.

Of course, having extra pinks, hopper or whatever this rule changes but the general theory is what I'm trying to express here.
I was under the impression that it went from single pinks, to double pinks, to fuzzies. Was I wrong?

I agree with Vicky as well.

I don't think it's recommended to feed double items on a regular long-term basis rather than moving up to the next larger size, but sometimes the next larger size is still too big, while the current item is too small to keep them growing, as with double pinkies.

The Munson plan suggests double pinkies as a standard when the snake is between 16 and 23 grams.

So I was kinda nervous to feed him 2 pinkies cause I wasn't sure if he was able too. But he did!:) is it okay to feed them 2 pinkies a week? Every 7 days

Grats on your snake being a good eater! I believe you should be feeding a young snake every 5 days or so. Be sure to move up to fuzzies as your snake grows into them. :)