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just wanted to say hi


New member
hi, im amanda and i just thought id introduce myself. I got my first corn on saturday. she's a snow yearling and called kasey. i say she but im not totally sure-my 4 year old daughter is sure its a she tho, so she it is lol:eek:
i was of the yuck! slimey snakes persuasion until i was persuated to hold an adult amel corn at college and fell in love!:eek: i rushed out and bought 2 books and spent about 2 weeks trawling the internet for all the information i could find before visiting a few shops to check out prices. Got a full set up including a 3ft wooden viv (sectioned off at the mo to make her feel a little more secure) plus the snake for £100. Dunno if thats a bargain but sounded ok to me!
Anyway, we brought kasey home on saturday and she seems to be settling well. i know i shouldnt but i couldnt resist bringing her out for 5 minutes the other day. she was calm and seemed happy enough although i've been good and have left her alone since. She's due her first feed with me tomorrow-my daughters very excited about it as i've told her she can have a little hold on monday when she's had time to digest her dinner. The guy in the shop said she's a good feeder so i hope it goes ok. Would you recommend feeding her in her viv or in a seperate box? she was in a small plastic box in the shop so i was thinking of getting one as this will be more like what she is used to. Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated
Hello and welcome to the site, Amanda.
I' sure you'll like it here.
As for your question, a small plastic box would be good to start.
You might want to try to feed your snake with out a lot of "fanfare" too, no spot lights the kids and friends carring on all. Some snake tend to be a shy eatters, and being in a difference enviroment they might want to expolore more than eat. So this might help the snake feed for you the first time.

Good Luck

PS we like picture of snakes too. :wavey:
Hurray another addition to the family. Welcome! The main reason for feeding in a separate container is so that the snakes don't associate your fingers with dinner time. Also there is the danger of them ingesting the substrate.

Also the advice about the fanfare at dinner time is also something to keep in mind. Would you like to have eyes starting at you and bright lights while you're having your dinner? I think not. :) for the first few feedings for my young snake I left her in a quiet dark room (in the feeding box)and checked after about 15 minutes.

Feeding containers can be anything from a sweater box to an icecream bucket with lids of course.

Hope you have a wonderful time here, and don't be afraid to ask questions!
thanks for the advice everyone. i didnt manage to find a suitable box so i ended up feeding kasey in the viv after putting some kitchen role in so she didnt swallow any substrate. i fed her an hour ago when it was nice and peaceful and it went very well-she's a dainty lady and took the pinky off the tweezers (man those things are huge! lol) really gently blees her. it was gone in 2-3 mins, she smaked her lips a bit then went into her hide where i expect she'll be for a while now. im really pleased it went so well. going to look for one of those really useful boxes on saturday so we can start feeding in a seperate area.

i'll post some pics just as soon as a get some decent ones. i do have a few on my phone but they arent that clear and i cant quite get the phone and pc to co-operate so i can get the pics off-technology is not my friend!lol