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Lesson learned...


two corny
People never cease to amaze us....We were just checking out the various snake morph pictures that have been recently added to various websites and came across one of ours with someone else's copyright. This appears to be happening more and more frequently lately - someone else wants to take credit for what another person puts hard work into.

We (2 Corny People) have never minded someone using our photographs just as long as they give us proper photo credit - however, when scanning a very frequently visited website today for corn snake people we noticed a fairly new category on Ian's Vivarium ("Alabama Tessera"). Oddly, our name was not attributed to this photograph which is of our Alabama Tessera male that we got from Heather.

We recognized the photo because we have contributed lots of photos to this wonderful website over the years, and are thankful for the recognition of the Alabama as a locality morph. However, it is very frustrating when someone takes your photograph off of your website or Facebook page and puts their own copyright/photo credit on it.

Guess we learned our lesson - we will be copyrighting any of our photos before posting in the future.

Here is the link in case you are interested. You will notice the rock the snake is sitting on is in our backyard flower garden and the same picture is ironically posted under Alabama locality morph photos on our Facebook page.

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Did you contact Ian's Vivarium to let them know that person used your photo?
I really don't like people who do that.
I think you should contact him. He's a member here- eeji

Is Jan the Buf breeder?? Yes. Also a member here. slagenbroed
Is that F1 Tess X Alabama,
or F2,
from {Tessera x Alabama (visual Tess)} X Alabama?

I used to make a LOT of animated gifs. I made this one 12 years ago.
I see it on a lot of herp people's pages and all over the web.
They don't have my permission or me credited... I don't have the interest to track down however many times the animation has been copied, shared, or circulated.

When an auction website stole a load of background images from my website, images I made, for the 'tile setting' as the bkg in html, and was charging customers 50 cent a listing to use them, I contacted them and they stopped. Probably should have sued them but my computer blew up the same day.

There's some things I don't mind sharing, but when it's content that is also business, and a competitor is offering my goods as their own, without consent, permission, etc.

I do not watermark a lot of my pics of cornsnakes, and feel whoever is providing housing for them, can takesave/keep without re-naming the picture picturename_SiteNameDotCom_or_photographer.jpg the pictures and use for their own personal use.

There's several other gifs and photochopped wonders in circulation as well.

Watermarking (time consuming) is about the only option. Gunks up the photo but I don't know another work-around path.

Facebook encourages us to share other person's work, and then we get notifications saying so-n-so likes your photo.

Just wait til you find your pics ion sites and the watermark has been photoshopped out. That'll really get your gander up. Bottom line if it's a picture online it's going to get saved and reshared or photoshopped by someone at some point.

Here's a desktop tile background picture. I made it from a photo I took. You can have it. But then if I see it on a site selling VFTs, I might get upset. You can hack the image URL and find more pics to circulate.


Watermark What's Important.
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Did you contact Ian's Vivarium to let them know that person used your photo?
I really don't like people who do that.

Yes we contacted him last night and we will send him a message on here as well.

This wonderful snake came from Heather - she (along with Tara Smith) produced him from an original Alabama x Tessera, therefore he would be considered an F1 Alabama Tessera.


Thanks Dave for the advice, we will be putting text boxes or watermarking our photos in the future. Typically when people use our photographs they ask first and we happily give permission, we guess this was just an exception and lesson learned.
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Unfortunately, it's something I see a lot as an artist. One of the best ones I remember is one that not only decided to use my artwork, but hot-linked it from my web page. (hubby did a re-direct for hot-linking to an image of goat.se)

My main webpage now has linking and right-click disabled. Yes, I know people can get around them if they want to badly enough :/ I watermark the things most likely to be stolen (tattoo designs...which I've happily given permission for their use and supplied un-marked originals when asked), but it doesn't really stop it.

It's always irritating when something you put a lot of time and effort into gets nabbed :/
I'm also guilty of photoshopping pictures I've stolen around the web. Probably posted some stolen, err, I mean, shared content
-on the Random Images thread here too.
Well that really sucks Buzz.

Jan Notté is slangenbroed here.

Have you sent him a message also?

Thanks Autumn, we sent him a message today. We do not expect a response - if there are any true Alabama Tesseras overseas we were not aware and the rock in the picture that the snake is on sure looks exactly like the one in our backyard :)
As I tried to 'splain to another member here (who is currently on a 3 day sabbatical from here), there are things that are meant to be shared and things that are not. Cat memes, jokes, thoughtful insights, inspirational stuff, comics.....you know, much of what you find on Facebook.

But posting pics of other people's pets, children, family, houses and animals that they bred without crediting the breeder, photographer, owner, website, etc....that is just plain stealing.

There are some things that are obviously meant for everyone to enjoy, and there are some things that are not.
We found an easy to use watermark software program that will put a copyright on a batch of pictures so it is not so time consuming. We made sure today when taking pictures of our newest addition from Hector at Unique Snakes to add the copyright.

Hypo Bloodred Stripe het amel anery pied
This wonderful snake came from Heather - she produced him from an original Alabama x Tessera, therefore he would be considered an F1 Alabama Tessera.

Although it may not be important, I'd like to wave the flag a little and say as much credit is mine, since, at the time, I provided the male okeetee tessera back in the day when they were still $1200. ;)
(obviously not for the photo but for the F1s)
Although it may not be important, I'd like to wave the flag a little and say as much credit is mine, since, at the time, I provided the male okeetee tessera back in the day when they were still $1200. ;)
(obviously not for the photo but for the F1s)

We posted the link that explains the genetics earlier in the thread and if that one does not mention your name this one does (we also edited the post to include your name):

Also, Ian contacted us directly and apologized for any inconvenience or oversight - he has been wonderful and was quick with a response - we appreciate his hard work and his site greatly :)
Thanks guys! I know it's mostly unimportant but it's a good and amazing project. I really love the Alabamas and Alabama Tesseras; the combination just seems to mesh well.

I'm glad that they did change that. It's probably extremely difficult for them to be able to weed out all of the mis-information or wrong data such as what happened.
Wow, that was great on Ian's Vivarium's part. :)

As a plush artist, I saw several of my plushies stolen and "resold." I feel really sorry for whoever bought the listing thinking they were getting the plush I made, but I only found out about it years afterward.

I now watermark my pics with a transparent text one, put somewhere really close to the pic subject without wrecking it.

Just seems silly to steal a photo of a snake, considering how different they can look.
So just to clear things up, Jan's name got attached to the photo as part of some batch processing. He did not steal the photo.
So just to clear things up, Jan's name got attached to the photo as part of some batch processing. He did not steal the photo.

Thanks Nanci. Here is the email that we received from Ian.

Ian sent us an email very quickly to resolve the matter.

Buzz and Jamie,

Thanks for contacting me about the incorrect credit on the Alabama Tessera photo on the IV cornsnake morph pages, I am almost certain its my error and not someone stealing your photo in this case so please accept my apologies for any inconveniences or upset this has caused.The name under the photo is different to that persons user name so this means it was not uploaded directly by that user meaning one of two things: 1- the user emailed or pm'd me the photo for inclusion which knowing this breeder seems unlikely, or 2- I've been batch adding photos and this one has been added with the wrong name.

We have also sent Jan a message with this same information with our apologies for any confusion.
Thanks Nanci. Here is the email that we received from Ian.

Ian sent us an email very quickly to resolve the matter.

Buzz and Jamie,

Thanks for contacting me about the incorrect credit on the Alabama Tessera photo on the IV cornsnake morph pages, I am almost certain its my error and not someone stealing your photo in this case so please accept my apologies for any inconveniences or upset this has caused.The name under the photo is different to that persons user name so this means it was not uploaded directly by that user meaning one of two things: 1- the user emailed or pm'd me the photo for inclusion which knowing this breeder seems unlikely, or 2- I've been batch adding photos and this one has been added with the wrong name.

We have also sent Jan a message with this same information with our apologies for any confusion.
No problem where people works people can make mistakes.
I saw this and i ??????????????????

Ok done

