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Living with people who don't like snakes?


New member
I'm putting this here, because I think it has more to do with people than with snakes.

I'm just wondering if anyone here lives with people who are afraid of or do not like your snake, and to what degree?
Did they ever get over it, or warm up to the snake? Do they just tolerate it or ignore it as best as they can?
Yep my Grandma and sister hate snakes. i`m sure sooner or later they will just use to snakes. They like to watch it only if its far enough away from them. But they refuse to touch or hold it. Most people think snakes are slimy i think thats the main reason alot of people don`t like them, When snakes are not one bit slimy.
I know what you mean. I made an offhand comment to test the waters near my boyfriend's parents, and they both claimed snakes were slimy.
I wonder where this missconception comes from. :shrugs:
They're shiny, but it's not like they're covered in goo or anything.

My problem is... My boyfriend insists he's not afraid of snakes at all, but has threatened to not come to my house anymore if I get a snake. :cry:
Get the snake ditch the b/f.....LOL
Honestly though would he honestly not come into your home at all if you got a snake? You could tell him you won't take the snake out when he's there and keep the snake in a different room then he is in. Good luck on whatever you decide.
I've already kind of talked him away from his extreme stand on the issue. The snake will have to be in my room (My mom doesn't want anything to do with it either, but is being a lot more reasonable) and he seems very skeptical when I tell him I won't take it out of the tank around him.

I'm just wondering if anyone else has family members or friends who were apposed to snakes at first, but eventually either warmed up to then, or just became comfortable in ignoring them all together.
I had to talk about this for months with my S.O. She did not like snakes at all, and at first was like "No way." Now, she really likes him. I have to admit, I am VERY glad for this. It will make things a lot easier in the future.

The key is to really figure out where they stand, and WHY. My S.O. thought that snakes were big and scary, and had never really been around them. I got a hatchling, and did not let her hold him until I realized he would not strike at all, and was very sweet (he is the poster boy for nice snakes), and then I invited her over to hold him.

From what I understand, snakes always will be individuals with regards to temperament and handling tolerance. In my case, Hokie will always be the go-to snake for people who are afraid of snakes. He has never once struck at me, only a brief hiss when I had left him alone for two weeks over Christmas break and then reached into his hide a bit too fast... but no strike followed. If you can get identify the problem people have with them, then you can set about correcting those misconceptions. "Snakes are slimy," is the easy one... just get them to touch the tail of one. They are dry and smooth. I have gotten a number of students who said "snakes are slimy," and were afraid of them because of that. They finally work up the nerve to touch his tail, and then they understand that they were wrong.

When people ask "does he bite?" I say "He has teeth and can bite, but he has never bitten." Just be honest about their capabilities and the positives and negatives of snake ownership. Good luck!
My mom and my 2nd oldest brother love my snake, my oldest brother is indifferent to her existence but it's my dad who is freaked out by her. He'll pet her but refuses to actually hold her and when he does pet her he says, "Ew, that thing is freaky..."
Korrin said:
I know what you mean. I made an offhand comment to test the waters near my boyfriend's parents, and they both claimed snakes were slimy.
I wonder where this missconception comes from. :shrugs:
They're shiny, but it's not like they're covered in goo or anything.

My problem is... My boyfriend insists he's not afraid of snakes at all, but has threatened to not come to my house anymore if I get a snake. :cry:
1. dont take threats like that from him.
2. tell him to get over it. Its what you want and its your choice not his. If he throws a hissy, is he truly worth it? In the long run, you will probably have this snake in your life longer than you would have him.
my brother and my mom love my snake but its the mice my moms more afraid of she likes tweaks if i have a mouse out even though they are dead. My gf hates snakes but she likes touching it but if she tries to hold him she freaks out before she used to cry whenever i had him out but now shes more afraid of his shed i threw it at her then she cried...
tanner123 said:
my brother and my mom love my snake but its the mice my moms more afraid of she likes tweaks if i have a mouse out even though they are dead. My gf hates snakes but she likes touching it but if she tries to hold him she freaks out before she used to cry whenever i had him out but now shes more afraid of his shed i threw it at her then she cried...

I must admit I'm one of those "MOMS" who's afraid of mice. I won't even go into my girls bedroom where our colony is kept.. I've gotten good enought that I can handle pinks and fuzzies, but dont' ask me to handle the frozen adults we need for Tiaga unless thier in baggies.lol
I don't know why but mice just give me the shivers and not in a good way....lol