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Looking to breed..


New member
Okay, I've always fed my corns store bought mice. I'm getting to that point where, breeding my own colony would be less of a hassle going to the store weekly. As to breeding/housing, I haven't got a clue. I'd like to keep it as simple possible. Any tips/guides would be very appreciated.
well it all depends on how many corns you have, mice once established can breed every 3 weeks so before you know it you will be over run if you dont keep on top of them.
I know how to house them, just a little confused on how I actually get the right sexed mice.. from maybe petco? Also, how many males/females should I be pairing?
Generally, most pet stores have males and females housed separately, so it shouldn't be too difficult to get the correct sexes.

I only have a single mouse colony (which I may bump up to two once I have eggs on the ground, depending on how many babies I'm expecting) with one male and 3 females. I believe that most people use similar male to female ratios, with as many as 5 females per male (somebody correct me if I'm wrong).

My small colony is enough for me, as I only feed off the pinks, and the occasional peach fuzzy (once they get fur and their eyes open I just can't do it). I have somewhere around 15 that eat peach fuzzy size or smaller, but I don't rely just on my colony for those mice. I also buy from Rodent Pro in large quantities for my bigger snakes and I always throw extra small stuff in to fill the box and save on shipping.

Hope this helps a bit.
I'm only looking into 1 colony aswell, correct me if I'm wrong please, once I pair the male with 3-4 females..is mating instantaneous? I should be expecting new borns in around 3 weeks or so? Also, do mice in general need any technical breeding habitas such like snakes?
To be honest, I don't pay much attention to mine, other than feeding, watering, cleaning, and taking babies. I would imagine that they would breed soon after introduction.

As for habitat....mine are just in a ten gallon tank with a food dish, water bottle, wheel, and those little plastic hut things they sell at pet stores for rodents. I use a mix of aspen and Carefresh bedding, which they gather from the aspen and apparently like to make nests out of. They breed just fine like this.
Okay, I've always fed my corns store bought mice. I'm getting to that point where, breeding my own colony would be less of a hassle going to the store weekly. As to breeding/housing, I haven't got a clue. I'd like to keep it as simple possible. Any tips/guides would be very appreciated.

A ten gallon tank like you use for fish with a wire lid, use a water bottle you only have to refill it every 4 days and they can't get bedding in it. Never use Pine or Cedar as it will cause liver and lung problems long run. Use a food dish or not your choice the mice don't care. The females will be happier with a hide to have the babies in but it can make it harder to get at the babies for your snakes. Um, I know pet and show breeders only put the females with a male for 6 to 10 days then put them in a maternity ward cage using vanilla on the rump to put them back in the female colony later but that is WAY too much work for this. Feeder breeders put 1 male with 1 to 5 females depending on feed need (lol) just leaving them together until they die or cull off for younger stock or (heaven forbid) they don't need the mice anymore.

This is what I have learned from older posts and talking to some people online and offline. Cheers!
I'm only looking into 1 colony aswell, correct me if I'm wrong please, once I pair the male with 3-4 females..is mating instantaneous? I should be expecting new borns in around 3 weeks or so? Also, do mice in general need any technical breeding habitas such like snakes?

Depending on age. If they look full grown (about 3 inches body length 5 with tail maybe longer depends on the mouse) then yes in 3-4 weeks you will have babies. The girls go into heat every 3-5 days. They are only actually IN heat about 12 hours. However if they are still kinda small it may be 8 weeks til you have babies. Like I said depends on their age/size.
yes once they have got established then it wont be long before they have babies. Like I said before once they are together and they have their litter then the next day they breed again so near enough every 3 weeks you will have babies.

If you want them just for pinkies and fuzzies then its not too bad but if you do need bigger sizes you will need a few extra tubs to seperate them when they get bigger or the babies will breed as well and you will be overrun. I tend to ween mine about 3.5 to 4 weeks old.