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    Either you have not registered on this site yet, or you are registered but have not logged in. In either case, you will not be able to use the full functionality of this site until you have registered, and then logged in after your registration has been approved.

    Registration is FREE, so please register so you can participate instead of remaining a lurker....

    Please be certain that the location field is correctly filled out when you register. All registrations that appear to be bogus will be rejected. Which means that if your location field does NOT match the actual location of your registration IP address, then your registration will be rejected.

    Sorry about the strictness of this requirement, but it is necessary to block spammers and scammers at the door as much as possible.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Rich Z

Staff member
Hope everyone has a nice Christmas planned. And lots of nice gifts both given and received.

Speaking of which.....

Most of you probably know that I also run FaunaClassifieds.com. And you possibly know that all members there can post classified ads for free. But yet, doesn't it require a paid (Contributor) membership HERE to advertise? Why is that?

Well, it used to be because it just seemed logical that since I was running my SerpenCo business selling corn snakes, that I should charge people at least something if they were going to compete directly with me on my own CornSnakes oriented website. And yes, it made sense to me back then.

But now? Well, no, not really. Not any longer. It just doesn't make sense at all that members on FaunaClassifieds.com can post classified ads there, but members of CornSnakes.com have to pay for that privilege here. I retired the SerpenCo business a few years ago, and I guess only now am I thinking about all this.

So, with that in mind, I will be terminating that paid membership requirement on this site. Well, when I can get around to making the necessary permission changes here, anyway. At that time all registered members will be able to post classified ads here on this site absolutely for free.

So, Merry Christmas everyone! And hopefully 2014 will treat us all better than 2013 did. :santa:
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Merry Christmas! (I'll be working, as usual- the hospital doesn't empty out for Christmas)
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and I hope we all can keep those in mind who are not as fortunate this year.
Merry Christmas, This classified on here runs more fluid and even more active then the corn version on fauna, as long as repost don't run rampant, Sounds Great everyone enjoy your holidays.
Merry Christmas, Rich, and everyone else here.

Always thinking and quite fair in your thoughts about those posting classifieds in FC and here.
Merry Christmas from Frick and his human family !!

looking forward to posting ads, Thanks Rich Z !


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Hope everyone has a nice Christmas planned. And lots of nice gifts both given and received.

Speaking of which.....

Most of you probably know that I also run FaunaClassifieds.com. And you possibly know that all members there can post classified ads for free. But yet, doesn't it require a paid (Contributor) membership HERE to advertise? Why is that?

Well, it used to be because it just seemed logical that since I was running my SerpenCo business selling corn snakes, that I should charge people at least something if they were going to compete directly with me on my own CornSnakes oriented website. And yes, it made sense to me back then.

But now? Well, no, not really. Not any longer. It just doesn't make sense at all that members on FaunaClassifieds.com can post classified ads there, but members of CornSnakes.com have to pay for that privilege here. I retired the SerpenCo business a few years ago, and I guess only now am I thinking about all this.

So, with that in mind, I will be terminating that paid membership requirement on this site. Well, when I can get around to making the necessary permission changes here, anyway. At that time all registered members will be able to post classified ads here on this site absolutely for free.

So, Merry Christmas everyone! And hopefully 2014 will treat us all better than 2013 did. :santa:

What a nice gift Rich, Thank You !!
I hope You and Connie have a great Christmas and a safe, happy and prosperous New Year !!!

:crazy02:BOUT' CORNS !!
Merry Christmas to you all, and may 2014 bring you health, prosperity, and healthy, happy pets!
