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Mice diet question.


New member
I am currently feeding my mouse colony 1M/2F +bbys Hamster/gerbil food, as it is drastically cheaper at my local pet store then the Mouse/rat food they sell. I am also adding Iams cat food to the mix.
I'm just curious for your opinions on this? anything i should add. Is hamster food fine for mice long term?(seems to be the same though slightly less protein & fat)

Hamster Food
Calcium carbonate... 0.25%
A... 7500 IU/kg
D3... 500 IU/kg
some more ask and i will post %. (moisture, ash, E, manganese, zinc, copper, iodine.)

Is this diet acceptable?
Wha, milk? NO! Rodents are not designed for dairy at all except for pups. You'll give yourself more work having to clean up diarrhea if anything. Any liquid in a bowl is asking for trouble, too. Even yogurt gets extremely messy.

Instead of more dog food or whatever, try some crappy Walmart cat food that has high protein and fat, but has lots of corn and plant matter. Another thing you can offer is super worms and wax worms.
Wha, milk? NO! Rodents are not designed for dairy at all except for pups. You'll give yourself more work having to clean up diarrhea if anything. Any liquid in a bowl is asking for trouble, too. Even yogurt gets extremely messy.

Instead of more dog food or whatever, try some crappy Walmart cat food that has high protein and fat, but has lots of corn and plant matter. Another thing you can offer is super worms and wax worms.

Oh, my bad, i heard somewhere to give nursing mice milk as it helped the babys. i dont see how pups can really benifit as they wont be able to find it till they are hoppers and a week after they are already nibbling on food. never had any problems poop wise, but I will stop thanks for the heads up.
Iams is cat food. I have a cat so i just use some of that as filler. its pretty high in protein and fat.
I do use bowls for the mice. since i use an aquarium a dripper bottle wont fit on the side, they ust to fill it up with substrate all the time, after a while they kinda gave up on that. i find loose shavings in it once every other day and thats when i empty it (reservoir bottle/bowl)
I'll look up worms, if i can get a good price on them at pet stores i may pick some up.
You are better off buying the mazuori rodent breeder food. 50lbs is only 22 bucks?I have been using that for a long time and have had no problems what-so-ever.Also stay clear from any dog/cat food that has the red dye in it. That dye causes kidney failure in rodents.Becarful of the raw foods you feed them as well . I will link something for you to look at..it's a really good site.
i'm currently working at a bakery, Our multigrain mix comes with [white sesame seed, oat flakes, malted wheat, barley flakes, flax seed, sunflower seed, millet, rye flakes] i can take as much as i want to free. so my question is, is this safe to feed mice, perhaps as an additional filler, and if so how healthy would it be?
other seeds we use are Sesame, Sunflower and Chia
would it be beneficial to add any of these to a mouses diet?
Think of mouse food like this. There are foods made by companies that do the research on rodent health. Making your own is risky. In the end it may cost you more in time and money than going to your local farm store and ordering a bag of mazuri for about 25 bucks. As a back up and or emergency using grains and dog/cat food with no dyes will do but I wouldn't do it on a regular basis.
I know rats cannot digest alfalfa, yet Mazuri has that in their rodent food.

I say it's just over priced grains. :shrugs:
Tell that to my rats that eat and are thriving. I have 15 female rats that on average give me 8 pups a month. All my rats do extremely well on mazuri.
To what you are feeding to raise the fats I would just add some cracked or ground corn and some Black Oil Sunflower Seeds(BOSS) , mice or rats.

Any dog food with 20% fat will do it too.