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more mice babies


New member
well a week after my first female had her babies my 2nd one is about to pop in fact she might be having them now. my question is should i seperate them at all or justleave them all together like theyve been.

they did just eat 2 babies sometime last night i had 9 now i got 7. i thought after a week whithout no baby eating id be in the clear but i guess not.
It's really all about personal preference. Some people will leave them min, whie others seperate them. If you leave them in together, they'll help eachother out with the babies, and it'll be less stressful for them. However, if you were to seperate them, you could may be able to find out which hamster it was that ate the babies (assuming that they did it again, and realizing that even if one was to eat a baby or two, it wouldn't necessarily mean that it was that one who did it before, although in all likely hood it could have been)
i have 2 complete setups rght now. one is empty but i could easily take out the male. i dunno what mother had which babies at this point. all my mice are just white albinos. maybe if i really looked into it i could tell which one had the new babies. but does it make sense to put a mother with the old babies is her own setup and leave the new mother with her new babies?
Leave them together! They will help each other raise the babies. There is less stress when they do this. You will often here this called a colony.

Your momma mouse may of eaten the pinkies because, Often pinkies are born with birth defects and pass away in those first couple of weeks.(happens more often with first litters)The mothers eat those babies for two reasons. A dead corpse often stinks and nature tells the mother to dispose of it before it attracts predators. Second, they eat the baby for the added protein. Increase the diet of your momma mice. (Higher protein and fat) Extra sunflower seeds, mixed with small bird seed and 19% pig food works great for me.

Hoping for a healthy second litter.
thanks for the advise. the other mouse had her babies there is only 6. i was hoping for more but if they all live ill be happy. i give them blocks,dry oatmeal, a little bit of dog for for the protein, and some sunflower seeds. i hadnt thought of pig food. ill have to look into that. maybe they have something at tractor supply.