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My 2012 Pairings :D


New member
I've been reading everyone else's threads about pippies and stuff and it's just making me more and more excited and impatient for my own eggies to hatch.

I don't have pics of all my clutches, but I'll list 'em anyways :D

Laid May 3 - First clutch gave us 20 good eggs and 1 slug. It's a Pewter x Pewter pairing.
Expecting all pewters... Unless they turn out het something, which I would absolutely LOVE.

Laid May 6 - Second clutch was 20 eggs. Amel het blood, poss het anery, charcoal, hypo x Same thing. The eggs all look fertile, they're white, clean, stuck together in a clump, but we were never really able to see veins in them. Their container got left slightly open and they've had a moulding problem (white fuzzy mould...) for the past couple weeks. We've cleaned them a couple times... Just hoping for the best now. Fiance has given up on them, I still have hope!

Laid May 30 - Third clutch is 15 eggs from a female with us on loan, she looks kind of reverse okeetee-ish, bred to one of our ghost boys because my okeetee male wanted NOTHING to do with her!! Here's hoping one or both of them have hets.

Laid June 3 - Fourth clutch was 7 eggs, completely surprise eggs. My caramel girl was bred to my butter motley boy and slugged out first go round. She double clutched with 7 eggs, 8 slugs, didn't even have a prelay shed.

Laid June 14 - Fifth clutch is 20 eggs from a normal female bred to the amel het blood, poss het anery, hypo, charcoal male. Kinda testing both of them out for hets.

Laid June 19 - Sixth clutch is 6 lovely BIG eggs from an amel x ghost. Again, kinda hoping for hets on both parts (they were bought as a pair, but from a shop soo... I dunno)

That's about it so far! It's been a weird, late season for us. I can't wait for the pewters to start hatching!!!

Pic 1 is pewter eggs
Pic 2 is amel het blood ph anery, charcoal, hypo laying
Pic 3 is "reverse okeetee" laying
Pic 4 is the 20 eggs from my normal girlie.

WOW this's been a long post! Will update as often as things start hatching/more eggs are laid :D


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Very exciting!! my eggs are at the half way mark, this is a first for me. I hope you get some hidden hets from that third clutch :)
Heh. I'm hoping for hidden hets, or at least some half-decent looking "okeetees" since mom's reverse-okeetee-ish :p

I soo need names for almost all of them :p
Pewter clutch started hatching today! So far two noses!


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The pewter clutch was a little disappointing. 5 of the babies were either dead in egg or kinked so badly they needed to be euthanized, one baby made it out of egg then just died.
The 15 babies that made it are 10.5, with 2.3 non-feeders (so far tried brained, slit, halved, all overnight in a cup).
We are holding onto 2.2 babies.

Was gonna attach pics, but they're too big -.- If anyone's got facebook and wants to check them out pm me and I'll add you!

The amel het blood poss het anery, hypo, charcoal eggs were never good I guess... They looked fantastic but I cut into them shortly after they were due and they were all just yellow hardness. Ah well, will try again next year.

The reverse okeetee x ghost clutch is almost finished hatching. She was NOT het ghost and he is NOT het amel -.- So we've got a whole clutch of normals (maybe okeetees) het amel, anery and hypo. We'll be holding onto a lot of them to see if they are okeetees or not. The first born took a half pink the day he hatched! Little monster :p
That's awesome and sad at the same time.
I find that using photobucket or something like that is easier then uploading to the threads. Just upload the pic then copy the link or W/e it is and post it to the thread.
Will send 'em to photobucket when I've got some time :p Getting married in a week, plus a buncha babies, so things are getting prettty crazy around here!

The normal x amel het blood poss het hypo, charcoal, anery clutch is due August 13 (day after wedding!!) here's hoping she's het for ANYTHING!
Soooo the rev okeetee x ghost pairing looks like it mighta produced some pretty okeetees... Holding onto the clutch for a few sheds to see what they look like!

The normal x amel het blood poss het hypo charcoal anery clutch has hatched!
He's het hypo
She's het hypo, amel.
Out of 20 eggs, 3 went bad during incubation. We hatched out 3 normals, 3 amels, 2 hypos and the rest were badly kinked/deformed and had to be euthanized :(
Kind of been a sad year, but I'm happy for getting any healthy babies.

I'm wondering if I got sold a bunch of "bad genetic" breeders. Bought a group from a guy - pair of amels het blood poss het hypo, charcoal, anery, miami female, bloodred male, caramel female, butter motley male, pewter female, and a young amber male.

The miami female bred to bloodred male - slugged out, egg bound, but double clutched with more slugs and passed everything.

Butter mot male bred caramel female - all slugs first clutch, re-bred, got 7 fertile, 8 infertile. All 7 collapsed during incubation.

Butter mot bred another female already in collection, she slugged out.

Amel het blood pairing looked good, but never had anything in them.

Pewter female bred with pewter male already in collection. 20 eggs, 5 DIE/Kinked, 5 nonfeeders, 1 died before shed, and 2 move weird.

Amel het blood male bred with normal female already in collection, 20 eggs, 3 collapsed during incubation, 8 healthy hatchlings, the rest kinked/deformed.

Will try everyone (except Miami girl) next year and see what happens.

Out of the 6 HUGE eggs from the amel girl, only 2 are still good and swelling like CRAZY! No pips yet though.

Got a clutch of 17 or so from a ghost? Maybe just an anery het amel bred to a normal male het anery and amel! They were laid July 15!
So exciting! You're making me all excited for next year, I've been out of breeding for two years and can't wait to have a clutch of babies, I also have a normal I'm hoping has some hidden hets but she's just a tiny baby right now. I'm pretty sure though all my babies are going to be snows and creamsicles, same as the first 5 clutches I hatched out.