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My Luna regurged:(


New member
So u went to feed my corns tonight wich is there regular night and Luna my 6 1/2 month old blizzard was not hungry. I was confused because she seemed ready to get out of her normal tank and into the feeding tank she was out from under her hide and was handling fine. After her taking no interest in the pinkys I put her back and got Hugo my 3 1/2 month old okeetee out and he took his pinkey right away so I knew it was not the pinkys or way I thawed them. I went to fill up there water bowls since I didn't get a chance to yesterday( wich I'm always on top of) I found a regurged pinky hanging from the bottom. I know my temps are right and have not been over handling her. I did two feeds ago up her to two pinkys she weighs 17g and she was fine the first time but maybe it's to much to soon? I will know wait till it has been 10 days since her last meal to try and get her to eat agin. Do I drop down to just one pinky or less? Just a real bummer ending to a bad day. I will look at the regurge threads some more but any help is greatly appreciated.
You seem to have it under control if your temps are correct, the snake has access to fresh water and you wont feed for ten days.... Keep handling down to a minimum to reduce stress till the next feed.
Ok thanks for the advice I will give an update with progress in a few days. I feel bad that I let this happen. I just wanted to make sure she wasn't hungry. Does her age and weight seem to young and small for two pinkys?
Same thing happened to me today. Both corns ate two pinkies....two feedings each over two weeks. Then today, they regurged yesterday's meal (third double pinkie feeding). I will now wait 10 days and drop each back down to one pinkie . How long should I wait until I try to get them on two pinkies again?
I'm not sure how either of you get your f/t, but I know that most mass produced pet store bought brands will clump together just about anything for a given size. Not all pinkies are created equally, and their weights will vary considerably. Basically what I'm getting at here is, even with proper temps and previous consumption of 2 pinkies (or other size food)... the next time you go to feed 2 pinkies, one or both could be considerably more in size and weight than the 2 used in the previous feeding. Effectively resulting in too much for the snake and the almost guaranteed regurge.

If it was my little guy, and he regurged one or both then I first follow protocol and wait at least 10 days, and try feeding again with just one. If that goes well, I'd probably personally stick with just one for a couple more feeds (better less than sorry) and then try the two again, making sure to try and weigh or at least visually size the smaller ones. But I'm definitely no expert, just a worry wort who prefers to err on the side of caution when it comes to other living things.
I'm not sure how either of you get your f/t, but I know that most mass produced pet store bought brands will clump together just about anything for a given size. Not all pinkies are created equally, and their weights will vary considerably. Basically what I'm getting at here is, even with proper temps and previous consumption of 2 pinkies (or other size food)... the next time you go to feed 2 pinkies, one or both could be considerably more in size and weight than the 2 used in the previous feeding. Effectively resulting in too much for the snake and the almost guaranteed regurge.

If it was my little guy, and he regurged one or both then I first follow protocol and wait at least 10 days, and try feeding again with just one. If that goes well, I'd probably personally stick with just one for a couple more feeds (better less than sorry) and then try the two again, making sure to try and weigh or at least visually size the smaller ones. But I'm definitely no expert, just a worry wort who prefers to err on the side of caution when it comes to other living things.

Hey...thanks! that is good advice. I didn't even think about the pinkies being too big or too heavy. I will have to weigh them next time. I will def wait a while before trying two again. Thanks!
My little one has not graduated to the 2 pinkie stage yet, but I second what Nythain said about size variation. You can help the problem by getting a scale accurate to tenths of a gram and monitoring the mass of the food you give them to better control portions. You could also cut one of the pinkies in half (easier/less messy if you do it before thawing) and give each a pinkie and a half; it's less convenient for you, but might be better for the snakes once you see them through the regurge and back to normal feeding schedules.
My little one has not graduated to the 2 pinkie stage yet, but I second what Nythain said about size variation. You can help the problem by getting a scale accurate to tenths of a gram and monitoring the mass of the food you give them to better control portions. You could also cut one of the pinkies in half (easier/less messy if you do it before thawing) and give each a pinkie and a half; it's less convenient for you, but might be better for the snakes once you see them through the regurge and back to normal feeding schedules.

I like the cutting it in half idea!!
Hey guys just an update. Tonight was normal feeding night so I waited 12 days instead of ten because Luna seemed ok just kind of lathargic. I didn't handle her at all until tonight and she quickly ate her one smaller pinky:) I also found a suprise in her tank a shed! She must have blued and shed for the week I did not handle her. Thank you all for the great advice and I agree we're I get my f/t pinkys from they range in size big time so I will keep a close eye on how big and how many until she is ready to switch to fuzzies. Ill do one last update next feed to make sure we do not have another regurge. Thanks agin everyone:)


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I'm really glad to hear she ate ok. Also congrats on the shed. Good to hear you're gonna keep an eye on food size a bit. Hopefully you won't have any more problems.
Yay for eating! I would bet she regurged because she was blue. It is so hard to tell when the lighter/white snakes are going into shed. It's for sure a good idea to keep an eye on food size though.