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My new dwarf boa! DUW


New member
Here are the promised pics of my new Costa Rican boa constrictor from Vin Russo over at Cutting Edge Herp. He's such a pretty little guy! I haven't measured him yet, but just guessing, he looks to be about 1.5-2 feet long. He's been exploring first his temp. quarters and now his home tank pretty much non-stop since I got him earlier this morning. Handled him for a few minutes during the transfer between box and tub and tank, and he's been calm the entire time. Coiled his neck back closer to his body a couple times, but didn't strike and his body didn't tense, tongue still slowly flicking in and out. So far, so good. ;)






He's gorgeous!!! Congratulations again. Don't forget to post lots of pictures as he grows up. After all, the rest of us have to live vicariously through you until we can all get our own dwarves! lol!
He is very handsome!! You got some great pictures of him. Now I need to remove myself from this thread for fear of emailing Vin right now. LOL
He is very handsome!! You got some great pictures of him. Now I need to remove myself from this thread for fear of emailing Vin right now. LOL

Scroll up. Look at him again. Do it. Now. :santa:

Thanks guys, I'm really happy with the little one. Such a pretty little boy.

Now he needs a name...

Yup, and I'm drawing a complete blank. :rofl: I'm sure something will come to me eventually.
You make me want to buy one of those Hogg Islands we have at work right now! Oh how I love dwarf boas!
Lmao, I broke the cardinal rule and I paid the price. Saw him exploring his tank again and couldn't help myself, I had to take him out for a minute and handle him.


And he was calm when he did it, just a quick snap out of nowhere. Not that I'm mad at him or anything, it actually made me laugh. Here I've been expecting Ronon to tag me, and this little guy, showing no fear or aggression at all, decides to give me my first love bite! Serves me right for not letting him alone for the night after his stressful cross country trip.

I don't know, this is my first bite by any snake. A pinprick, a single drop of blood, and that was it. I'm actually kinda curious what's it's like for them to really latch on. Not that I'm going to actively court that kinda bite. ;)
A name has finally come to me for this little guy. I like when a name just seems to step forward and offer itself.

What follows is the meandering thought process of a sleep deprived mind in regards to a name. Feel free to scroll past to see the chosen name. ;)

When I first decided on a Costa Rican, I was thinking of a name having to do with a leaf or fallen leaves, based on the boa's coloring and head shape. Couldn't find anything suitable along that route.

So tonight as I'm looking at a pic of the boa, I decided that if one were poetic, one would describe this snake as silver. Looked up silver on Wikipedia and found the Latin name is argentum, which made me think of Argento (which apparently is another form of the word), the name Maximus (from Gladiator) gave to one of the horses on his breastplate (I always wondered if he was joking or if he really had owned a horse by that name). As soon as I put Argento to a mental image of the boa, it clicked. Looking at the pics above and saying the name aloud, it just seems to fit.

So goeth my process for determining a name for an animal.

I hereby declare this male Costa Rican Boa Constrictor (b.c.imperator), born July 7, 2010, bred by Vin Russo, to be named....


and now I'm going to bed, because the lack of sleep is obviously addling my mind.. :sidestep:
Costa Rican is a great choice, the best Dwarf Boa IMO....
And you chose probably the best name in Boas to buy from....
I've always been very happy with our fun size Boa and I'm sure you will be more than happy with yours...
Just remember that fun sized boas only eat fun sized meals and space them out...
The Munson plan doesn't work on these guys....
Just remember that fun sized boas only eat fun sized meals and space them out...
The Munson plan doesn't work on these guys....

It's so hard to find info on dwarfs, just the regular sized ones. I saw recommended that prey size should be no larger than the boa (rather than what one might expect of a boa, say, twice the size).

I'm used to my corn eating every one to two weeks, my ball eating whenever he damn well pleases. About how often would be good to feed Argento?
my ball eating whenever he damn well pleases

I think it would be safe to search for a caresheet of a normal BCI, or maybe for a hog island boa caresheet. I know there is one for hog island but too busy too search it now.