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My Pretty Girl (post-shed)


New member
This is our little Colombian boa after her first shed with us. Just over a week ago I was telling my husband that she looked too skinny and wrinkly, and now she looks huge. It is unbelievable how quickly these little boas grow. Seriously...I bet you could actually witness a boa's growth with a little time lapse photography.

We sure are enjoying her. She is finally developing a personality. :)


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Matthew said:
She's gorgeous. All sorts of insane cuteness :)

Still thinking of getting rid of her?

Thanks. :)

And yes, that is the plan. She will probably go live with a friend that is better equipped for the large boids. She was sooooo little when that goofy kid gave her to us...I doubt she had even eaten her first meal. It's nice to see her gaining weight so quickly.
tricksterpup said:
Ha so you finally broke down and got one. :D
Now where is the Bull snake?

Some dumb kid gave this one to us at a bird mart/reptile expo earlier this month. We don't really plan to keep her. Colombians are just too big.

The bull snake is still on my list, just after the Cali king, and right next to the MBK. I need to build another rack, one that can accommodate multiple species... :rolleyes:
texastailfeathers said:
Some dumb kid gave this one to us at a bird mart/reptile expo earlier this month. We don't really plan to keep her. Colombians are just too big.

The bull snake is still on my list, just after the Cali king, and right next to the MBK. I need to build another rack, one that can accommodate multiple species... :rolleyes:
Actually Jenn if this is a male, it may stay smallish for a boid. Possibly around 6 feet or so. I have a big six foot male at home. Gentle little baby but still a big boid. I personally do not thing you will have to many problems if you keep it. That is if it got out and ate all your birds. :sidestep:
tricksterpup said:
Actually Jenn if this is a male, it may stay smallish for a boid. Possibly around 6 feet or so. I have a big six foot male at home. Gentle little baby but still a big boid. I personally do not thing you will have to many problems if you keep it. That is if it got out and ate all your birds. :sidestep:

Somebody popped her for me...I may probe her just to be sure, but I'm not all that confident in my probing abilities yet. It may be a few weeks.

To be truthful, I have never handled a large boid. There's a guy in town with retics, burms, and 8-ft Colombians and I may see if he'll let me and the hubby come over some time to really get a feel for the big snakes. I don't know him that well though, so I have to figure out a non-creepy way to say, "Hey, can I come over and play with your snakes?" ;)

I really do enjoy this little boa...although not as much as the BP's. :shrugs:

EDIT: Forgot to mention that I did have a cornsnake eat one of my society finches a couple of months ago... :rolleyes:
texastailfeathers said:
EDIT: Forgot to mention that I did have a cornsnake eat one of my society finches a couple of months ago... :rolleyes:
yes, I have been to your evil website and makes me long for those days I used to raise finches and Canaries. *sigh*
She's AWESOME! Don't get rid of her. I have a Colombian BCI male that would make an excellent future boyfriend... :sidestep:

Count the saddles. If she has 21 or more saddles from neck to vent, she would most likely be a BCI...smaller than a BCC. BCC's have less than 21 saddles from neck to vent, typically. It isn't "fail proof", but is a fairly accurate way to quickly know it you have a BCC or a BCI...
tyflier said:
She's AWESOME! Don't get rid of her. I have a Colombian BCI male that would make an excellent future boyfriend... :sidestep:

Count the saddles. If she has 21 or more saddles from neck to vent, she would most likely be a BCI...smaller than a BCC. BCC's have less than 21 saddles from neck to vent, typically. It isn't "fail proof", but is a fairly accurate way to quickly know it you have a BCC or a BCI...

Sooo...are you going to pay to have her boyfriend shipped to me at breeding time or am I? ;)

I don't know why I keep saying she's Colombian...or even why I say she's female. I got her from a doofus of a kid that didn't know a snake from a poke in the eye. She could have been a poodle for all he knew. :rolleyes:

I will count the saddles. I will also try to get her sexed for certain. Thanks for the info, Chris!
awww your getting rid of her? :[ shes gorgeous....is is it a he then he would be handsome lol.

:D you can drop him/her off right here.
ahah yeah right I would be thrilled but my mom&dad might have a heart attack. My is against the ball python I'm getting next week. Oh well she'll get over it. :rolleyes:
texastailfeathers said:
Sooo...are you going to pay to have her boyfriend shipped to me at breeding time or am I? ;)

I don't know why I keep saying she's Colombian...or even why I say she's female. I got her from a doofus of a kid that didn't know a snake from a poke in the eye. She could have been a poodle for all he knew. :rolleyes:

I will count the saddles. I will also try to get her sexed for certain. Thanks for the info, Chris!
According to what I have read(which may be wrong...I can't be sure...) Colombian Boas are always BCI...there are no BCC native to Colombia. Also...BCC's are the "true" red tails. Combine those two pieces of information, and you have to realize that there really is no such thing as a Colombian Red Tail Boa...surprise, surprise. Apparently, the term "red tail boa" is a trade name that is not specific to the species of boa, yet the term scientifically applies to BCC, not BCI. BCC are larger(on average) than BCI. All of this information has been gleaned from various on-line resources, as well as the book "The Boa Constrictor Manual" by Philippe DeVosjoli, who also wrote "The Art of Keeping Snakes".

Of course, with such a lack of specialization in boa breeding, many "petshop" animals are interbred between BCC and BCI, as well as Hogg Island, and other various boa species...most of whom have reddish tails, and similar markings.

Other distinctive characteristics that seperate BCC from BCI are the ventral pattern(BCC tend to have a much heavier "grain" pattern to their ventrals, while BCI tend to have a small spattering of black flecks...if any), and the presence of "widow's peaks" on the saddle, where the center of the saddles draw upwards on both sides, creating a "three-pronged" look to each edge of the saddle(top and bottom). Both of these are less sure than the saddle counts, but if you can combine the three characteristics...you can feel fairly confident in your identification...though admittedly, my BCI has "widow's peaks" on the saddles...

Just make sure that during the saddle count, you stop counting directly above the vent, and not down the tail. Start at the first saddle on the neck, and count the saddle directly over the vent, and you should have an accurate count.

FWIW...if you keep it, and it DOES turn out to be a girl...we could work something out, I'm sure...
tyflier said:
Count the saddles. If she has 21 or more saddles from neck to vent, she would most likely be a BCI...smaller than a BCC. BCC's have less than 21 saddles from neck to vent, typically. It isn't "fail proof", but is a fairly accurate way to quickly know it you have a BCC or a BCI...

I bumped this thread because I'm lazy.

Chris, she has 18 saddles... :cry:

She has also gained an insane amount of weight in the few short weeks that we've had her. At this rate she'll be 8 feet long by Christmas. :rolleyes:
Tula_Montage said:
Shes beautiful! I think you guys made an excellent choice with her, and I hope you enjoy her!

Thanks Elle. She's starting to develop a personality. It's also amazing how strong the boas are, even when they weigh less than a hundred grams.

Oh, I almost forgot Sunday's feeding pic!


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I say keep her. You'll be surprised with how much you enjoy her, especially when she turns into a gentle giant. BCI are the best.