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Nessie (Nellie?) the American Alligator at ARC's Customer Appreciatiom Day


Got an equally large boa?
Rick and I joined in the "herptological" festivities at our favorite local (-ish) reptile store, Amazon Reptile Center, for their 'Customer Appreciation Day' and had our pictures taken with Nessie (Nellie?! I can't remember her name), the american alligator. She was wonderful to be near and her handler let me get a "closer encounter", as you can see in the third picture. Wooowoo!




And no, Trevor is not paying me to say this, but Amazon Reptile roxx0rz...=D

Fun caveat to Customer Appreciation Day...Rick and I bought some raffle tickets, benefitting <a super cool cause of which now escapes my mind>. It turns out we won two prizes; a store t-shirt and a "floating log for turtles". Woo! T-shirts rock! Um...turtles...and logs...for them. Woo!

We got to the store this weekend to pick up our prizes and feeders for the week and were able to re-gift the floating turtle log to one of the regular store employees, Tim, who was totally JAZZED to bring home a new floating log for his turtles. Woo! Everyone wins! YAY! =D
Cool shots :) You be braver than I.... those teeth look sharp, but maybe he thought you would taste better with ketchup :)

I love the new local reptile shop, but I have got to STOP going in there. I'm supporting him a little too much lately :)

Nice of you to re-gift the log to the store employee... I know I would really appreciate it if I had turtles.
It's Nessie. Ain't she a sweetheart? :)
I got a pic of me holding her mouth open while she was on my (and some co-workers) lap(s). I made the joke that her face was next to the guy that gets bit by EVERYTHING and Mr. D. (Nessies owner) made me open up her mouth for a pic as a joke.

The charity was a Wildlife Conservation Group, but at the moment, the specific name escapes me.

And Tim was VERY stoked to get that Turtle Log.

I'm glad you guys had fun at Customer Appreciation Day. I did :)