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New here - first corn


First time Corn Owner
Just got my first Corn on Saturday. I'm 40 yrs old and the last time I had a snake was when I was 16 (a garter snake that I only had for a month). Now that I've given you the background let me tell you what the situation is and what my questions are.

We bought a 5 month old Corn that is about 12 inches long. He (the pet store thinks it's a he) is pretty calm and has a great disposition. We fed him on Sunday night and he had no problem eating. He just had his first poop today and it looked like a small amount of bird dropping in the middle of egg whites.

My daughters 14 and 10 just love holding him. He seems pretty content to be held and hide in pockets. We bought the 12x12x12 viv and slapped a 6x8 heating pad on the side. The temp in the tank is 69-75 on the cold side and 75-85 on the warm side.

So, our house gets pretty cold... do I need to worry as long as it stays 70+ on the cold side?

Is that normal for the poop? like egg whites?

Are we handling him too much? We give him 48 hours after a meal before messing with him.

Since snakes don't bark and wag their tails when you take them out how can you tell they "like" being out?
Well, with my two I can tell when they want to be out.. and when they don't. Treasure will actually head back into his tank by himself hehe, but Hunter... he rattles his tail, and musks... its not very nice! I personally didn't start to hold my new snake (Hunter) till he had had 10 days to settle into his new environment, now I hold him around 15 minutes a day and put him back in his viv.
Sounds like you have everything under control. The viv sounds like the temp is fine. The poops should look just like you described. As far as do they enjoy being out of their viv and being handled, if they are mellow while being handled, I would say yes. But who really knows. The only question I have is about the age. It seems quite small for a 5 month old corn. My corn is 5 months old and is 22 inches long. With your snake being only 12 inches long, I would think it is more like a month or so old, not closer to half a year old. But that is just my 2 cents. Enjoy your snake. :cheers:
yeah it sounds a little small for a 5 month old snake...mine are 21 and 23 and are 4 months old
Treasure was only 11 inches when I got him... store said he was 3 months old. Tho I do know he was only being fed like once a month ~,~ With a snake from a pet store.. you really never know... I know many stores feed their animals small quantities, so they stay small ~,~
We have tried to measure him a couple of times but I guess I'm overly gentle with him... he had not pooped yet and I did not want to be stretching him out and stressing him... even with a slight wave in his body he can cover a 12 inch ruler easy... so, stretched out he may hit 15-16 inches... definately not 20-22 inches...

The pet store said they were feeding him once a week. We are going to try every 5 days and see how he takes to that. The pinkies costs me $1.25 at PETCO. I found out that BigCheeseRodents.com is located 2 hours from my house so maybe I can get a deal on 50 pinkies...

Also, how long should I wait before taking Maxx out of the house. My daughter was so excited she asked if I could bring him to school for show-n-tell and some co-workers at my office would love to see him. I keep telling everyone he is just a baby and they are going to have to wait - plus, it's getting dang cold outside and I have no idea how to transport a snake in cold weather...
take some pics for everyone to see

I would suggest not taking him out in public. Since he is a baby and changes like that can be very unsettling for a hatchling snake. take some good digital photos for those that want to see it or have them drop by the house. This will ease any stress on the little guy!
Don't worry about him being too small right now. If he was on what's called a maintenance diet, meaning just one pink a week, then its not surprising that others think he sounds small. When I got my normal, the one in my avatar, he was 4 months old and weighed 10g, and was about 12 inches long. Well about a month later and eating 1 large pinky/small fuzzie every 5 days he has jumped up to 18g and about 15 inches. He will catch up.

And also welcome to the forum and enjoy your new snake!
thanks, we are enjoying him quite a lot. He seems to have a real good disposition. He is very curious and likes looking for places to hide. I held him over my shirt pocket and he slipped right in - stayed there for 10 minutes without moving till I took him out...

of course his first poop was while my daughter had him out... I think it was just a random thing - he had not pooped since we fed him a pinkie on Sunday... she was just letting him crawl around on the chair beside her - she wasn't even touching him... then the end of his tail went straight and well... you know the rest... we put him up quick so we could clean up the mess, but I made sure to get him out again later that night... I don't want him to be conditioned that if he poops he gets put back in the cage (not that he can be trained like a dog, but understanding conditions/results??)
Gintha said:
Treasure was only 11 inches when I got him... store said he was 3 months old. Tho I do know he was only being fed like once a month ~,~ With a snake from a pet store.. you really never know... I know many stores feed their animals small quantities, so they stay small ~,~
wow once a month...that cant be healthy :eek1:
Nope.. they had one of his clutch mates.. and she died 2 days after I got him. Folks on here expected Treasure to die when I first joined, but he pulled through and hes a horse now (not literally of course =P) Hes 52 inches long (at last measure) and over 400 grams (as far as we can tell.. hard to weigh a snake that doesn't sit still on platform scale... hes a least 350g) =) I've had him.. 9 months give or take a week. So if the pet store was correct... hes around a year old. Mom calls him snake-zilla LOL. He makes my 03 male look like a hatchling hehe.
since I'm new here can you tell me what all the numbers in your footer mean? like 0.0.1 ~ 4 and so on...
MaxxOwner said:
since I'm new here can you tell me what all the numbers in your footer mean? like 0.0.1 ~ 4 and so on...

1.3.5 would mean 1 male, 3 females and 5 unsexed. the ~04 is the snakes year of birth but you don't need to put the ~.
that doesn't explain Gintha's footer... I understand ~ 04 is the year... and I understand after that is the specific breed... but what about 0.0.1 or 1.0 or 0.1 ??

0.0.1 ~ 04 Normal ~ "Treasure"
1.0 ~ 03 Hypo het ghost ~ "Hunter"
0.1 ~ 04 Anery het amel, motley ~ "Onyx"