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New Sheading Probs!


WiLd&CrAzEy tHiNg
I need help plz. My corn went blue not that long ago and the eyes cleared a few days ago (I have not soaked her since because of advice given by others- I try not to oversoak her, but after she goes to the bathroom I rinse her off that way she's clean for the house.). I was expecting to see her shed, but she didn't. She acted as she always has so I let her outside & she climbed into a kiddy pool with shallow water, when I noticed that some of the skin on her mid-undebelly hanging loose as well as a few other places on her body. I thought maybe she needed warmer water so I changed it (she layed in there for a while), and as she climbed out I let her slide through my hands the skin was peeling off in large pieces. There is no sign of shed on her face like there should be when snakes shed, it's just coming off her body. I tried a warm, damp washcloth and rubbed her face lightly but nothing happend. So she's in her viv. I thought I would ask advice before trying to rub the skin off with the washcloth. The skin is peeling in large pieces. What do I do? This is the first time she's shed since I bought her so anything would help. :shrugs:
perhaps she already shed the head when you werent looking?

I'd say lay a damp towel in the viv so she can slide through it if she wants. Next time, try misting the viv frequently. I can't remember the right humitity. I thought 60% but someone correct me if i'm wrong. Mine are on 80% and i get great sheds.
Also, i hear members here get good results with laying some damp moss in a cup so the snake can go there if she wants. In the mean time keep an eye on her. Especally the tail since the old skin may stop the blood from flowing to the tail. When in doubt i'd say go to a vet. Better save then sorry.
Just my input...
But I believe I over-misted my corn the first time it shed (maybe that's what's happening with you), which lead to a messy sunburny-peely kind of shed...I actually assisted with the shed, and it was if my snake knew...it slowly gripped and undulated between my closed had (I kept a semi-firm grip) and kind of carefully rolled the skin down all the way to the tip of the it's tail...it was a very moist shed and I was wary of doing this as I did not want to cause any injury to the snake, but everything came out fine in the end! I believe it was because the skin shedding had become TOO moist and made it more difficult for the snake to roll out of. Last shed I misted the snake down the first day the eyes went blue and the second day...after that I left alone and we had a perfectly fine, completely intact shed which I have saved.
I was told to provide a shallow container for the snake to immerse it's self in as they will do this own their own when they are ready to shed, but I wouldn't keep forcing it in the water. Leave be for a day or two and check for any peely spots...you don't want a bad shed (which I'm told can lead to problems), but you also don't want to make things worse.
Hopefully a more experienced member will be able to inform you better as to what to do, and Jicin has offered some advice as well. I'm not an expert on the topic...I can only tell you what I've been told and what I've learned from my own experience (in fact, I am currently awaiting a third shed to take place in a week or two, since my snake is shedding monthly).
Let us know how everything turns out...hopefully for the best! Good luck!

I've been away from the forum for away, so I apologize if you have already answered this question. What type of enclosure and heat source are you using?