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New Snake Not Eating


New member
Hi, all. I am new to the forum and new to being a snake owner. I got my amel hatchling this past Sunday from a chain pet store. I just checked out a book today on corn snakes (by Philip Purser) -- that's how I found this forum.

Indy, (the snake) appears to be healthy enough. I have no clue how old he is. I think the kid at the pet store said they'd had this batch a couple of weeks and Indy is about a foot long. There is one discoloration on his belly that the kid at the pet store said was where you could see his last meal moving through. I believed him because I've never had a snake before and had no clue. It hasn't moved a bit since Sunday and I was reading in this book that discoloration can be a sign of poor health.

Also, we were told that he (or maybe he's a she!) ate on Sunday because that's when they feed all the snakes. Then, the kid admitted that he had no idea whether or not Indy had actually eaten. Since we weren't sure and since the kid said they only feed them once a week, we tried on Monday to feed him. He wouldn't eat, so we tried again today. Still no dice, even though we left him alone with the pinkie for several hours. I did not try covering him up with a towel (just read that in the FAQs), so I may try that next time. I did try dangling the pinkie around trying to get him interested. That didn't work either.

I'm feeding him in a small, plastic "critter keeper." I did thaw the pinkie in warm water. Since Indy was in the critter keeper, I'm guessing the temp was the same as that in the house -- around 73-75 degrees.

Any suggestions? I've become quite attached to the little guy already, so I really want to make sure he's eating and healthy. I'd love some advice! Thanks!

kbmomto3 said:
There is one discoloration on his belly that the kid at the pet store said was where you could see his last meal moving through. I believed him because I've never had a snake before and had no clue. It hasn't moved a bit since Sunday and I was reading in this book that discoloration can be a sign of poor health.
Internal organs are often visible on both amels and snows. I wouldn't be too worried if his liver hasn't moved.
Also, we were told that he (or maybe he's a she!) ate on Sunday because that's when they feed all the snakes. Then, the kid admitted that he had no idea whether or not Indy had actually eaten. Since we weren't sure and since the kid said they only feed them once a week, we tried on Monday to feed him. He wouldn't eat, so we tried again today.
A hatchling would only be eating about every fourth or fifth day. Wait at least three days between attempts. He can go without food for several weeks without harm.
I'm feeding him in a small, plastic "critter keeper." I did thaw the pinkie in warm water. Since Indy was in the critter keeper, I'm guessing the temp was the same as that in the house -- around 73-75 degrees.
The snake requires temps in the low to mid 80s to digest its food. Try moving him to an unairconditioned room. Over 90 is preferable to under 80, so long as he has plenty of water. The pinkie should be brought up to the body temp of a live mouse, around 100 degrees.

Try less often, no more than once every three days. If he still hasn't eaten a month from now, post again and we'll go from there.
Wait a couple of days...give the snake some time to adjust & relax. Some suggest leaving the snake completely alone for 48-72 hours following bringing the snake home, because the move itself is stressful to the animal. I would also hope that the snake wasn't fed the same day that you brought him home -- Sunday -- because that would be stressful enough to cause the snake to regurgitate, which can have fatal consequences. Once a snake has fed, it should be left alone for 48 hours to allow for proper digestion, or the snake can regurgitate...which is not good.

With refusals, I've always allowed about 2 days inbetween to wait before trying to feed again...also, if you look in the FAQs in the Feeding section, you'll find all kinds of "tricks" of the feeding trade to entice your snake to eat...for example, one of my snakes had been very skittish when put in her feeding container & once I covered it with a dishcloth, for some reason (security, I imagine), she would eat in the darkness. Then, I recently began to wash my pinkies with soap for one little trouble-eater that I have, and now he's eating like a pro. :) Who knew what miracles just a little soap could produce???

One last question, though...you mention temps: do you have an under tank heater (UTH) to allow for one side of the tank to be about 70-75 (room temp), and then with the heater on the other side, 80-85? My snakes, following their meal, generally head right over to the heated side to begin their digesting...and, make sure that you have a thermometer to check the temperature on the warm side. I just moved a snake's tank & I took his UTH off of its rheostat, which was a real pain because the UTH can reach to 100 degrees which can cook the snake, so I was trying everything to try to get it to 85 inside of his tank...:p After a lot of strategically placed ceramic tiles, he's doing fine now! :)

Good luck with your little amel! :)
Hi Kbmomto3 I just wanted to mention i would call that store again on his/her feeding record. Most pet shops if not all should keep feeding sheets. That should tell when day it was fed, what and if it ate or refused and the employs signature. Perhaps someone else there would have more info for you.
Congrads and good luck with your new snake....
kbmomto3 said:
Hi, all. I am new to the forum and new to being a snake owner. I got my amel hatchling this past Sunday from a chain pet store. I just checked out a book today on corn snakes (by Philip Purser) -- that's how I found this forum.

Indy, (the snake) appears to be healthy enough. I have no clue how old he is. I think the kid at the pet store said they'd had this batch a couple of weeks and Indy is about a foot long. There is one discoloration on his belly that the kid at the pet store said was where you could see his last meal moving through. I believed him because I've never had a snake before and had no clue. It hasn't moved a bit since Sunday and I was reading in this book that discoloration can be a sign of poor health.

Also, we were told that he (or maybe he's a she!) ate on Sunday because that's when they feed all the snakes. Then, the kid admitted that he had no idea whether or not Indy had actually eaten. Since we weren't sure and since the kid said they only feed them once a week, we tried on Monday to feed him. He wouldn't eat, so we tried again today. Still no dice, even though we left him alone with the pinkie for several hours. I did not try covering him up with a towel (just read that in the FAQs), so I may try that next time. I did try dangling the pinkie around trying to get him interested. That didn't work either.

I'm feeding him in a small, plastic "critter keeper." I did thaw the pinkie in warm water. Since Indy was in the critter keeper, I'm guessing the temp was the same as that in the house -- around 73-75 degrees.

Any suggestions? I've become quite attached to the little guy already, so I really want to make sure he's eating and healthy. I'd love some advice! Thanks!


Typically your advised to let the snake settle in for a minimum of 7 days before offering any food at all. Your still new to him, its perfectly normal he hasnt eaten yet.
Thanks everyone! That makes me feel better. I'll give him a few days to settle in, then, try again with some of the tips that were mentioned.

I will also play around with the temp of the tank a bit. I need to get another thermometer so I can have on on the cool side and one on the warm side to make sure what is going on in there. With the thermometer in the middle, as it is now, the tank is staying around 78-80 degrees.

I really appreciate all the tips! I'm glad I found this forum...it's great to be able to ask questions of people who actually know what they're talking about! ;-)
