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Newbie a derogatory term??


Branching out into geckos
Hey all,

I just had a very interesting conversation with a friend of mine stemming from the "rant about searching" thread. I have always viewed the term "newbie" (or noob as some spell it) to simply be a word referring to someone new to the hobby. My friend said that some of the "younger generation" view this as a derogatory term in the same category as "nigga". Although it is obviously not a racial term, it is taken by some to mean inferior and beneath ones self. I have never thought of newbie as a derogatory term...heck I used to use it about myself! Has anyone else heard of this? Are we unintentionally offending people in a very bad way? Everyone's observations and opinions are welcome.

Thanks all!
Ya know, I can see how someone might get offended, but really. If you are new to something, you're new. What in the world is the big deal about speaking the truth? With experience comes growth and knowledge, so eventually (providing said person doesn't leave the hobby) the "newbie" becomes not so new. And perhaps some day an expert.
Now, words that don't mean anything harmful can be turned into a derogatory word depending on the context it is used in. And I do find it very wrong to make fun of people for things they can't help. So, the bottom line is, if we don't use those words in a derogatory manner, then I see nothing wrong with using them, or having them used on myself.

just my thoughts :)

Sadly, I'm too old to know about new slang. I'm not around teens, but I haven't heard anything from my friends who have teenagers. I'll ask around.
Anything can be a derogatory term, it all depends on the person giving it and the person receiving it. :)
I think that the idea of not being able to say what you want on an open forum because you might "offend" somebody is completely retarded.
I wasn't suggesting that we are not allowed to say what we want. I was simply asking if anyone else had heard of this. In some cultures and groups certain words have different meanings than they do to us and I would simply like to be aware of it so that I personally do not say something to unintentionally offend someone. I would never presume to tell someone here that they are not allowed their right to free speech. As for any word being derogatory depending on how it is used, that is very true. I just thought I would throw it out there and see if I could learn something new.
Calling someone a noob isn't like we are saying "dumb"... newbie doesnt mean dummy... I have been a newbie on many forums...I still think I am new to corns... We, my husband and I, have only been doing this a few months... granted we are up to 21 corns, I am no expert and I ask a ton of questions... if I was to be called a noob I wouldnt mind at all. You gotta start somewhere. Maybe because these people are younger they dont understand it...

My opinion...
Newbie in my eyes is exactly as it implies...someone new to the hobby (or whatever you are referring to).

I am a newbie...just got my first crested geckos this month. :D

See, it didn't hurt (much). I can admit it. :p
People can be "offended" by anything they choose, I don't care. There is no law, no rule, no guarantee, no "right" to go through life without encountering something that offends you. Yes, there are a bunch of "PC nazis" running around trying to tell everyone else what they can or cannot think or say. Being offended is just a way to try to control people, and it's totally lame, and I don't waste my time with it. They'll either get over it, or continue to waste their time being offended. Whatever. I'm not going to reward them by trying to dance around their "sensitivities."
I've heard younger folks use it in a way that describes someone new that is trying too hard not to be. That's when it seems a little negative, but not to the extent that the other word you mentioned would be. In the mountain bike world, I guess it would be akin to a "Barney", which is exactly what I am (or would that be a Wilma? Betty?).
You all are n00bzz!

See? It can be used to offend other people.
It all depends on who is talking and what goal s/he has.
i dont find newbie a bad term to call someone that
on the other hand the word noob can offend more ppl then u think, espesially in the gamers world
if seen people going mad when someone called them a N00b on a server :twoguns:
so if mostly then one who say's it and the one reciving it .
M3Lted said:
i dont find newbie a bad term to call someone that
on the other hand the word noob can offend more ppl then u think, espesially in the gamers world
if seen people going mad when someone called them a N00b on a server :twoguns:
so its mostly the one who say's it and the one recieving it .

some typo's
If you can't stand the heat...
move away from the fire.

basically get over it! If you notice... we are calling our selves newbies/ NooB, not others who are here to ask questions and provide the best husbandry for their reptiles(that's their job, they do it well). Ridiculous!
M3Lted said:
on the other hand the word noob can offend more ppl then u think, espesially in the gamers world
if seen people going mad when someone called them a N00b on a server

Then these people need to get a life, or a job, or a girlfriend, or something.... because they're waaaaay too sensitive about their video games.

I have another word for them: "dork"
Hey,I'm a noob!

I'm a noob and I don't find being called one offensive,not at all.We all have to start somewhere,and I don't have a problem with people asking for advice as I'd rather "noobs"like myself ask advice then carry on willy nilly and cause some proper discomfort to ant said animals,reps etc!Everyone is allowed to make a mistake,just as long as they learn from it,and isn't repeated.So far ,so good!BTW,how long is it before you're not classed as a noob? :noevil:
viktoria333 said:
BTW,how long is it before you're not classed as a noob? :noevil:

by the time u call someone else a noob ,becose u know stuff better or more , then your not classed as a "noob" anymore
:crazy02: lol