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Norma - Hypo Cinder


Olivia Barron
My newest addition from Steve Roylance. She's a real beauty and so far seems very curious and sweet. This isn't the best picture, but I will get better ones once she settles in. She weighs all of 8 grams!

Yep Steve makes some great babies for sure (the scaley kind of course cause I haven't met his kids, but I know they aren't babies any more!). I got some hypo cinders from him a few weeks ago, as well as some cinder ghosts. Can't wait to watch how yours grow up!
Yep Steve makes some great babies for sure (the scaley kind of course cause I haven't met his kids, but I know they aren't babies any more!). I got some hypo cinders from him a few weeks ago, as well as some cinder ghosts. Can't wait to watch how yours grow up!

You got a whole bunch of cool stuff from him! If you haven't posted pictures of them yet, I'd love to see the cinder ghosts you got.
You got a whole bunch of cool stuff from him! If you haven't posted pictures of them yet, I'd love to see the cinder ghosts you got.
I did:dancer: I will post pics of some of my stuff when I have a few "extra" minutes LOL we have our first show this weekend and I'm SO not ready (we only get 5 a year up here so I gotta make em good!) so I'm always checking the forums on the fly while I get everything ready and play mommy :) But as soon as I have some free time I promise I will! There isn't a single one I would send back though, all amazing babies, and Steve is likely the most helpful, easy to get along with guy I've come across!
Norma's favorite hide is this recycled oatmeal container. It fits her perfectly and the lid can come off if I need to get her out.

Awww what a cutie-pie! It's funny how much snakes love food containers, Stig's favorite thing is a margarine tub he gets when it's close to shedding time.
Norma is a such a sweet snake - not flighty or bitey at all! I took her out for some photos tonight, but it was already getting dark. This photo makes her look a little richer colored than normal.

I took some pictures of Norma with her future mate, Cinny. Norma is the lighter colored one. I never have them out together, so it was interesting for me to see the difference in their color.


