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Normal little Irwin


I like cats.
I just finished this painting of my normal yearling, Irwin and had to show it off to someone. It is acrylic on a 9x12 canvas. What do you think? I can still change it if I missed anything that looks "off."

<img src="http://gallery.pethobbyist.com/data/242irwinptg.jpg">

I did "enhance" the color a little bit (sorry Irwin!) He is a little more brown in real life. I took the pics that I used for guidance in this right after he shed, though, when he is his most yellow. He seems to become really bright then get more dull every day until he sheds, and start all over again. I measured him two days ago and he came in between 30 and 33 inches. Wow! he sure is growing fast.
Greatings, neighbor to the north. ;)

Very well done! It's a beautiful piece, I hope you are proud! One of these days, I really do have to set my acrylic sights on one of my corns, but I haven't worked up the nerve. I do better with things with fur...the reflections aren't nearly as challenging. I am impressed with the way you caught the lighting and reflection, the texture turned out perfect.

Kudos to you and keep up the good work.
looks great, actually looks real. hey pinatamonkey how did you get all of those little pics under your name? how did you get so many? BUT THE PIC LOOKS GOOD, IRWIN HAS A DAD/MOM TO BE PROUND OF.

that looks amazing i didnt even know it was a painting the head looks perfect good job
Hey there!

Wow that is GREAT!!!! I think you've done a wonderful job and I'm sure Irwin wouldn't mind because you've made him look spectacular!!!!! Look great ... I'm so impressed! :)
That's stinkin fabulous! I liked your logo drawing, & I love this :)

How many hours of work in it?

Are you keeping it, or selling it?

Yay Irwin!

Thanks for all the compliments, everyone! I am glad my art education isn't all going to waste. It did take me between 40 and 50 hours to complete this piece. I don't know the exact number of hours, but I began on 10/27 and some days (weekend) spend 8 or so hours while other sessions lasted 2 or 3 and I worked on it almost every single day since I began. I would love to sell it (God, I'm poor!), but of course I would never make very much off of it, considering time spent. Aah, art! My dream job is probably painting herps all day long. Right now I'm working on some big big canvases, one 3 foot by 4 foot of my ball python, and a smaller 36"x24" one of Irwin eating. I haven't decided what to do with my monsterous 5x4' canvas yet. Big paintings take so long! I did this one for a little bit of "instant gratification" if you can believe that. Well, anyway, thanks for the input guys. I just need to show my work to herpers who appreciate it sometimes. When people ask me what kind of artwork I do and I reply "snakes" I get some very odd looks. People don't (yet) realize the beauty of color and pattern that can be found on these animals-- especially corns.

that is the best peice of art i have ever seen. excellent job. keep up the excellent work and your dream will come true
Wow that's impressive... first time i glanced at this thread I thought it was a photograph, until i read the actual text! Very life-like.

From a composition standpoint, I find the lighter area in the middle upper left (where you can just start to see belly scales) to be a little distracting. It looks right, and I'm sure it's accurate to the photo, but I find that it draws my eye away from the corn's eye, which I would think should be the main focal point. But then, I could just be easily distracted. ;)

Again, amazing painting... wish I could do that!

the light yellow part. . .

Usually in my work I don't paint the snake's heads at all. So as for the eye being the focal point-- I usually wouldn't want that, and didn't even really think about it. That's definately something to consider. Maybe I will darken the upper left up. Either that, or counter it with some more extreme highlights in the lower right. I'll have to stare at it for a while. Thanks for pointing that out.

Again, everyone, thanks for the compliments. If you do want to see more of my work, my website is in my signature.