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ouijia boards?

hello all for some reason i felt like making a thread about ouijia boards
so... has anyone had any bad exepriences with these things:uhoh: if u have would you like to share. anyway im going to share mine one evening when my nan was my age she played the ouijia board with a friend of hers. so they set it up and so they asked the ouijia board a question (i think it was is anyone here) when she asked the question the room went freezing and then the kettle turned on and as my nan was going to turn it of a wine bottle got thrown across the room and smashed. they then ran out of the house and burned the board. ever since then my nan has always felt a presence around her. thats my story anyone want to share
I've never used one and never will. I am a fairly rational person and yet ouija boards make me feel very uneasy indeed.

I believe in ghosts but they do not frighten me. I'm not sure what it is about the boards that unsettles me so much. :shrugs:
I've never used one and never will. I am a fairly rational person and yet ouija boards make me feel very uneasy indeed.

I believe in ghosts but they do not frighten me. I'm not sure what it is about the boards that unsettles me so much. :shrugs:

I've always felt somewhat uncomfortable with them also. But I have used them anyways. I was with a group of friends once and they all swore it was me moving it... nope! And another time, shortly after my friend, Eric died, my friend, Ashley and I were using hers and when we asked the spirits name it said 'EJAV' which was Eric's initials and our nickname for him. To this day I don't know if Ashley was moving the board or if it actually was a spirit. *shrugs*
My friends and I used to have some fun scaring the crap out of ourselves when we were teenagers.
I was pushing much of the time. So whenever my friends were getting the 'chills' I was in storyteller mode, lol.
One time though we were 'talking' to a 'spirit' and my friend Danny asked it to give us a sign.
Suddenly there was a very loud boom and the whole house starting shaking. I threw that thing halfway across the room.

Found out later it was the space shuttle coming in.:rofl:
I have one, but also don't want to use it. I used one as a kid, and same thing, it moved, both me and my friend swore we were not making it go.

My daughter and I like watching "A Haunting" tv show, and on one of them they talked a bit about Ouija boards and how the story is if you burn one, that is a big mistake--releases the spirit into the world. So when you wrote that feeling that your nan has, I was thinking of that. I've heard that these are not to be trifled with, anyway! Best to avoid using them.

I'm a big believer in the afterlife, ETs and so on... We crazy people believe that the ouija board opens a portal to the other dimension and sometimes demons, bad spirits and sometimes normal spirits come through and get trapped in our dimension. You don't want demons haunting our dimension, now do you? If they do they can possess you. This is of course crazy talk to many people but it's what I believe. And it has never been proven scientifically but strange things have happened after the use of the board... Read the section "Criticism of ouija boards" in the Wiki link.
I've used Ouija boards many times and never had a bad experience. I don't believe in demons, so maybe that's why one has never came through my board and possessed me (as SnakesRule1234 previously stated).

Ouija boards can be useful if one can be respectful while using them. Most people use them as a party gag or just a way to freak out their friends. I'd say if anything bad were ever to come out of a Ouija board, it would be caused by such a disrespectful setting.

If indeed a Ouija board can be used to contact the dead or other supernatural forces, I'm sure these entities would be offended by any amount of disrespectful behavior or foul questioning tactics. This is why I believe that Ouija boards should not be sold as toys. They are clearly not toys, even if you don't believe they work at all. :)
My friends and I used to have some fun scaring the crap out of ourselves when we were teenagers.
I was pushing much of the time. So whenever my friends were getting the 'chills' I was in storyteller mode, lol.
One time though we were 'talking' to a 'spirit' and my friend Danny asked it to give us a sign.
Suddenly there was a very loud boom and the whole house starting shaking. I threw that thing halfway across the room.

Found out later it was the space shuttle coming in.:rofl:
Hah! I have a feeling that I'll end up liking your story best out of any that come up in this thread. If you were a silly and gullible person, and you'd never found out about the shuttle, maybe you'd be scaring the "wanna believe" woo-woo people with your story for years to come.

Ouija board is a game. It's not even a fun game. If scaring yourself or others is your idea of fun, save the $20 (or whatever price the GAME-maker Parker Brothers charges for these things) and walk around a graveyard on a "spooky" night. Or if you're interested in pretending that the Ouija experience is anything more than ideomotor effect, just make your own board and pendulum or pointer... :rolleyes:
Okay, I don't get it. Why does it have to be an "Ouija Board", and why must the fact that it is an Ouija Board make it scary?
Isn't it just a GUI? Can't you do the same thing with letters on a paper?
Does the toy company that made it impart something mystical? Can I buy some of that mystical stuff?
I would use it and actually see if it's true or not. But.. I don't want unknown spirits and demons contacting me (according to my beliefs) or haunting my house. But then I'm moving, so I could try....
Okay, I don't get it. Why does it have to be an "Ouija Board", and why must the fact that it is an Ouija Board make it scary?
Isn't it just a GUI? Can't you do the same thing with letters on a paper?
Does the toy company that made it impart something mystical? Can I buy some of that mystical stuff?

You sir, win at the internet.
Okay, I don't get it. Why does it have to be an "Ouija Board", and why must the fact that it is an Ouija Board make it scary?
Isn't it just a GUI? Can't you do the same thing with letters on a paper?
Does the toy company that made it impart something mystical? Can I buy some of that mystical stuff?

:laugh: They keep that mystical stuff in the warehouse, next to the crates of little shoes, hats, and "get out of jail free" cards that you use in their Monopoly games. The Ouija board is about as mystical as a red plastic hotel on Boardwalk. :grin01:

Yeah, it's a gui to an app that doesn't exist. Very useful! :rolleyes:
I believe its all a bunch of nonsense. It's a silly board game to give kids a scare. I'm not a believer in ghosts either. I believe in scientific explanations and gullible people.
I'm curious to use one but will not do it alone..though some friends have said that if I get one they'll try it out with me..so I'll have to see what happens :0)
I consider myself to be a bit of a skeptic, and I certainly don't buy into the ouija board deal. That being said, I do to some extent believe in ghosts and otherworldly beings.

Not particularly religiously inclined, but I simply refuse to believe that there's nothing that comes after what we call 'life.' Whether that's reincarnation, the great beyond or whatever.

I think though it's just human nature to want to believe something. It helps us deal with the loss of loved ones, not to mention our own eventual deaths.

My Mom was recently diagnosed with stomach cancer, and we're trying to work out a situation where, in the event that she does die from it, she'll be able to send me a 'sign'. Silly? Maybe. But it's rather comforting in a macabre sort of way.
no experiences here, but I do think that they are real AND that you shouldn't do the game because it is like opening a door and anything can come in. ANYTHING.
You know the really mischievous girl at the slumber party who is REALLY GOOD at moving the pointer thing without appearing to do anything?

Yup, that was me.

One time, the "ghost" focused on Stephanie at the party, insisting that she come in the closet to play with it. After about 30 minutes, she ran to the mom hosting the slumber party. Mrs. Hansen had me sent home.

I distinctly remember my father giving me a quick high-five during the car ride.
Just a way for the mind to fool itself and for impressionable people to scare their own pants off, IMO:eek: