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Pregnancy and snakes?


New member
So my husband and I acquired the most beautiful amel (Piper) a few months back, and we just adore her. Thing is, we just found out that I am pregnant, and I am fairly concerned about handling the snake, or even my husband handling her and the possibility that he doesn't sanitize properly afterwards. Obviously I am afraid of getting salmonella poisoning, even though we are always very careful to santize after handling. But I have read stories of small children being hospitalized after coming into contact with their fathers who had recently cleaned the viv. Have any of you gone through pregnancy with cornsnakes? Is everything ok as long as we both santize properly? Should I forgo handling the snakes through pregnancy and breastfeeding? Or am I overly worried? I'd hate to give Piper away. We love her to bits! Any thoughts would be helpful. Thanks.
You are overly worried. But, to ease your mind, just take the most sanitary precautions available to you. You don't have to give up the snake, it will be fine.
This is obviously a time when you rightly feel very cautious, but I do think you can address any concerns with routine handwashing and sensible hygiene.

Domestic cats and dogs carry a larger range of harmful bacteria than snakes, including toxicara, which can result in damage to unborn babies. These animals have more frequent human contact than snakes and their faeces is liberally spread around public places. At least with snakes, their "output" is confined to a small and controllable place!

Perhaps you could buy some specialist reptile hand sanitizer to use after handling or cleaning out Piper? This is available online and might give you the reassurance that you need.

The very best of luck to you and congrats on your impending parenthood! I hope you continue to enjoy your Corn and that your child inherits your love of reptiles.
You are more likely to get salmonella from eggs that snakes. Enjoy both your snake and your pregnancy. I love the name, by the way.

Remember hand sanitizer is your friend and you will be fine... babys rock!!!
bitsy said:
Domestic cats and dogs carry a larger range of harmful bacteria than snakes, including toxicara, which can result in damage to unborn babies. These animals have more frequent human contact than snakes and their faeces is liberally spread around public places.
What you are thinking of is toxoplasmosis, not toxicara. Toxicara sp. are roundworms, which are a health risk, but more commonly to people who go barefoot outside and not to unborn children. Toxoplasmosis is a parasite that can affect an unborn child. It is transmitted most commonly in under-cooked meat and unpasteurized milk, but can also be passed in cat feces. Common sense and proper hygiene is the best way to prevent almost all parasitic transmissions. If most people knew exactly what and how many parasites are out there, just how easy it could be to get them, and how many they already have, they would totally freak! I totally regret having taken parasitology in college!
Susan said:
If most people knew exactly what and how many parasites are out there, just how easy it could be to get them, and how many they already have, they would totally freak! I totally regret having taken parasitology in college!

That's funny... LOL... A while back, I watched a show on the learning channel or one of those nature channels that covered parasites in humans and then spent the next few days researching medications and herbs to rid the body of parasites lol... It really freaked me out... :headbang: :noevil: :puke01:
I think it will help the original poster to hear from someone that has been pregnant while owning corn snakes...