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question on fabric


New member
I am a fiber artist so fabrics and wool intrest me a great deal and is very easy for me to work with so it makes since to me that I would try to make hand crafted things for my viv lol... but would wool or cotton be dangerous for a snake? I've been working on a felting project thet involves felting wool around wire and bending it and I think it might be an idea for a nice climb for a corn. I am a bit concerned about bacteria growth but if its changed regulary I could avoid that I suppose. Some people are alergic to wool can the same be said for snakes? I'm also wondering if towels could be used as substrate...rather than newspaper or paper towels (going green everywhere I can) and just a thought but would a cloth sock or sack be suitable for a hide? I understand that it would have to be changed/cleaned more often but I have more free time than I care to talk about lol so...yeah

I'm getting my new corn very soon and as soon as my camera is located ill post pictures of some things....very excited. I'll be the mommy of a baby butter!
Hmmm this is a new one.

My feeling are that you could make a hide using fabric but... keeping mind that you don't want your snake crawling in a spot and getting stuck or something. You have to make sure that what ever you make that it won't hinder you from retrieving your snake.

As far as using towels as substrate, I tend to think that it would hold water or snake "waste" and would be more of a health issue. In my mind, I don't see a towel drying out. But maybe shredded towels would work.
Fabric and towels of all kinds are safe allergy-wise for snakes as far as I have seen.

However, you need to be sure that there are no threads that are loose- these can get wrapped around your snake and cut off circulation.

Using towels as substrate means that they need to be taken out and washed every time your snake defecates. If you are ok with that, then all is good. I think it is a pain in the butt.

You will need to make sure the fabric is in good repair after every washing and check for threads.

The felted wool thing sounds neat! I can't wait to see what you come up with for that!

People have used hammocks in their vivs, and I suggest you find some threads on those... the snakes look so adorable in them. I was thinking about making some fabric hammocks, but I am not a sewing-type person.

There are plenty of people who use carpet as substrate, so I have seen that done. Or astroturf.
Again, for me, it is the fact that you have to take it out and wash it that is a pain.

EDIT: Your snake will get poo on the felted wool climbs. It happens. You will have to wash them somehow. Keep in mind that a snake doesn't have to live in a sterile environment, though, so you won't have to necessarily sanitize the climbs often or ever... and sanitation might be as simple as soaking them in an antibacterial solution then letting them air-dry. I'm not sure how well what you are talking about would do with getting wet in that fashion.
Exciting idea, I have done some felting and think your idea is very interesting. As far as fabric on the bottom snakes love to burrow and hide, since they can move aspen around by crawling through it I would think they could move a light weight fabric. My concern would be getting tangled in the fabric. On the other hand if I were to use fabric I would try to find diaper fabric it comes by the yard, is easy to wash and light weight. You would have to sew up the ends because it does fray. You can also buy flour sack dish towels they are white, I've gotten these at WalMart. Keep in mind you are recycling the newspaper and you can use aspen in garden after it comes out of viv, just watch the soil pH.
Felted wool would be easy to wash with some form of antibacterial soap or reptile safe sanatizer...and the colors it comes in naturally can be very pretty so I don't have to worry about the toxicity of the dyes. I can't wait to get started and put it all together lol. The fabric as substrate is more of a back up kinda thought...but you never know when something will be useful untill you are in specific information. I'm a very curious person lol...but it helps sometimes. Thanks for your replies! I'm excited lol