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quick question about feeding


New member
this is my first post on these forums, and everybody seems real nice! so first of all, id like to say hey to everybody

alright, now to the question. i was wondering if snakes only constrict live prey, or if they constrict thawed prey sometimes as well? ive heard of a few instances where the thawed meal was slowly pulled on with a pair of tweezers, to taunt the snake or make it think that its live...hmm...

so yeah, any help is appreciated...id just like to see my snake in action while hes still a little baby (before i feed him live fuzzies or anything else)
hey there cody60 *waves*
good to have you here.
snakes can try to consrict thawed prey also not only live, with 3 of mine i dont need to do anything, i just pop the mouse in there and they take it, with the other 2 of mine, if the mouse is still they wont touch it, i do use tweezers and wiggle it, the snake strikes and constricts to make sure its dead (even though it already is) and then they eat. every snake is different and each has its own personality, the longer you have your little one the more you'll get to know its personailty, just try and see what works for your own snake, you know.
good luck :)

btw what type of corn do you have and how old is he/she?
just wondering :)
Hi there Cody, and welcome to the forum.

Most of my corns will constrict if I only slightly wiggle the (dead) mouse, and if I wiggle it vigorously they give excellent constriction demonstrations.

I only have one or two that refuse to play along and never constrict.
thanks a lot to both of you for answering my question, and to answers yours misty... its a about 1-2 months old, most likely female (havent brought it to a pro to have it sexed but i've checked it with a couple of tests), non-amel okeetee....and its getting close to about a foot and a half long now. i know theyre supposed to develop their yellow pigmentation and stuff as they get older like the bright oranges n yellow n red coloration, but even when it was just born it had beautiful bright orange from its head down to about halfway down its body. i cant wait to see what the little snakes gonna turn out like
i'd put up a picture if i could get my hands on a digital camera, but unfortunately im broke...my girlfriend owns a decent 500$ one, or at least her parents do - but they wont let her take it anywhere without them...hmm ill have to get my grandmas or something :p
Wierd how some constrict and some don't. None of my 7 corns constrict. The boa, ball, and green tree python all do though. All eat frozen by the way.
I feed mine live and never had a bad experiance with them, but when they were younger they would eat frozen. To this day I will feed my adult corns pinkies and fuzzies sometimes for a treat and they dont constrict for that small of a feed. But will constrict for a hopper, juvenile, and adult mice. All my corns converted themselfs to live mice. So I decided to breed my own mice for that purpose only.
newt said:
I feed mine live and never had a bad experiance with them, but when they were younger they would eat frozen. All my corns converted themselfs to live mice. So I decided to breed my own mice for that purpose only.

I'm curious as to the reasons behind allowing your snakes to do this. Would you mind explaining?