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R.I.P. Sassy


Erotic Bagle
Well, it's finally happened...as some may know, my cat of twelve years, Sassy, has been fighting a two-month battle with an unkown illness. At first she started losing weight, but her appetite grew drastically. Toward the middle of her illness she was eating and drinking literally anything she could (this grew to include peas, french fries, Pepsi, baby food, cherry Koolaid, pizza, dragging a frozen steak that was thawing OFF the counter and across the floor, tearing through three layers of aluminum foil to get at a shepherd's pie).
I brought her into one of the vets at the clinic I work for, and they did an exam and some blood panels on her. Her veins were so thin they had to re-poke her with the syringe three times and shave her legs down to find one. Just two weeks ago, when the Zeniquin and other antibiotics were having no effect, I had to bring her in for intraveinous antibiotics injections three times over the course of one day. Needless to say, she wasn't very happy about that, but a trooper nonetheless.
So, after three blood panels and thyroid testing (they suspected hyperthyroid due to weight loss and massive appetite, but the thyroid levels came back normal), there was no diagnosis. The best they could offer Sassy was some Nutribac, a nasty, high-calorie oily substance that is injected by oral syringe into the mouth twice a day to help keep some weight on. That and more pills.
On the eighth of this month, my mom called at ten in the morning whilst I was at work and said she couldn't find the cat. I immediately knew, as most do when their cat or dog goes off to hide in an uncharacteristic way after being sick, what this implied. My mom, in tears, finally found Sassy wedged in the corner under my old bed, behind my guitar case, not moving. It turned out she was still somewhat alive, being able to open her eyes and twitch her tail a bit when her name was called, but only barely. I came home from work to pick her up and bring her back, saying my final goodbyes to her in the car ride. At work, my vet finally released her from her pain at ten thirty AM.
I feel awful that we let her suffer through this as long as we did. Thinking something could be done, but the drugs and treatments having no effect. I apologize to her for especially that last month. My little Sassy cat, we won't forget you, or how you fought for yourself and maybe for us those last months.

I'm so sorry, and that's a very touching goodbye you wrote there.
She was loved though, so I can't be too sad for her. Just sad for you.
So sorry. You were fighting, she was fighting, you both tried hard to stay together,then it was finally over. Have no remorse and make no apologies for loving your pet so much, it's always hard to let go.
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss - it must be so hard to not know what was wrong. Take comfort in the fact that you did everything within your power! She will always be with you... Feel Better
I am very sorry for the loss of Sassy. I know how hard the call is to make. We lost two brothers within a week of each other, after fighting with their kidneys for five years.
I'm sorry...

I know how you feel. My cat of 15 years has a tumor on her breast. It keeps her dehydrated. If removed it will come back faster and bigger so we're leaving it. She is in good shape now but it has shaved some time off her life.

Good luck in the next few weeks.
Thanks everyone. And Cflaguy, sorry to hear about that mammary tumor on your kitty...as long as she has a good quality of life, just enjoy those years as they come.

I think the hardest part about Sassy's illness was how it sucked the very life and soul from her; it turned her into this other creature, one that no longer enjoyed life or the simple pleasures of chasing string across the floor or sunning herself in the window. Rather, she became this emaciated, starving animal that was constantly begging for food, always hungry. Seeing the heart in those soft blue eyes missing toward the end was really the worst part for me.

Thank you to everyone who's given their condolences.
I'm really sorry about your kitty, but it sounds like it was really time to go. She is at peace now.
