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Remi the rescue snake


New member
This is my baby I rescued almost exactly six months ago. He has gone through a lot, his previous owner didn't take care of him well, and only fed him once a month, and once every two weeks as a baby. He was so thin, it was scary. When I got him, he had part of his shed stuck to him that he has for who knows how long. He is better now, and has noticeably gained weight, but is still very small because his growth was stunted. He also is blind in one eye, and will probably become blind in the other eye due to cataracts. He about two and a half feet. He is roughly five years old.
Thank you Dollysmom! I don't know why the picture isn't showing up, someone who is running this section of the forum can delete this thread because I guess it is in the wrong place now that I can't figure out how to post a picture.
He's cute Asher. No need to delete the thread. We just need to help you post pictures. What problems are you running into?
Thanks! I am trying to post a picture with an iPhone, and when I press the picture button it says to put in the URL for the picture, but I just want to choose the picture from my camera roll, not from a website. Thanks so much for helping, sorry about this I am still trying to figure out how to use this forum and I have been on it for six months! ��
Okay. You need to use manage attachments under '"advanced". Then "choose file" will let you pick a file from the phone. However it will probably be too large. You first will need to resize it using a photo app on your phone.

I hope that helps. If not ask again and I or someone will give more help.
This is my baby I rescued almost exactly six months ago. He has gone through a lot, his previous owner didn't take care of him well, and only fed him once a month, and once every two weeks as a baby. He was so thin, it was scary. When I got him, he had part of his shed stuck to him that he has for who knows how long. He is better now, and has noticeably gained weight, but is still very small because his growth was stunted. He also is blind in one eye, and will probably become blind in the other eye due to cataracts. He about two and a half feet. He is roughly five years old.

Whatta BEAUTIFUL SNAKE!! (People REALLY suck! How someone can neglect a snake is beyond me! Real A**holes!).

Don't know the answer to how much he can make up in length, but he's a gorgeous animal regardless!

Thanx for being there for a helpless animal and for rescuing him from an unredeemable one!
Thank you so much everyone! I love him to death. The previous owner at least cared about him enough to know she couldn't take care of him anymore, and gave him up to someone who could. She felt bad about the state he was in when she handed him off to me. But still, don't get an animal if you think there is any chance of your circumstances changing and you can't take care of it very well anymore, because it isn't fair for the animal.
Thank you so much everyone! I love him to death. The previous owner at least cared about him enough to know she couldn't take care of him anymore, and gave him up to someone who could. She felt bad about the state he was in when she handed him off to me. But still, don't get an animal if you think there is any chance of your circumstances changing and you can't take care of it very well anymore, because it isn't fair for the animal.

OK, you may have a point.

HOWEVER, I am NOT someone to whom this topic is unknown and I will be the FIRST to admit when I am not in my area of knowledge (i.e., when it comes to morphs I am clueless and just purchased a book I haven't had time to read yet) but the species to which WE, as homo sapiens, belong, is one area where I do know my stuff.

Neglect is abuse by more passive methods. I see too many products of OUR species who have been damaged as a result of mistreatment, neglect, abuse (give it a name, right?) to be too tolerant of it. This happens to be the career path I've chosen and I have no regrets. It's actually the rare miracle of success that drives me, the "one in a million" who defies the odds, the one who MAKES IT despite everything being against them! When someone has total control over another living being who depends upon them for even air itself, arrogance becomes the main stumbling block which inhibits someone from relinquishing a position of power he or she should NOT be wielding in the first place!

But I, myself, do have to take a step back in situations like this because it becomes a case of being too close to the forest to see the trees. After all, those of us without sin should cast the first stone, and I definitely shouldn't be throwing ANYTHING!

Maybe too deep of a subject to be mulling over this early in the morning? :eek:
Thank you so much everyone! I love him to death. The previous owner at least cared about him enough to know she couldn't take care of him anymore, and gave him up to someone who could. She felt bad about the state he was in when she handed him off to me. But still, don't get an animal if you think there is any chance of your circumstances changing and you can't take care of it very well anymore, because it isn't fair for the animal.

Your pic is wonderful. Your snake is stunning and I'm so glad you found each other. They are all deserving of love, but a rescue who hasn't been loved needs and extra dose of love.

About life circumstances... I know that a person may not think there is any chance of circumstances changing, but then in an instant it happens. It happened to me 4 years ago. If I had seen the signs, I maybe had 1 month warning.

Also, it is well known that people will over stay in a domestic violence situation just to protect/not lose the pets. I just want to give a different perspective on predicting life circumstances. Illness, injury, death, divorce, eviction, and unemployment can not always be predicted. That's why the folks who run animal rescues or who rescue animals are heroes.

Bottom line, like you said, the person in this case found the snake a better home. So yes, definitely assess your circumstances and abilities before taking on the responsibility, and support your local reptile rescue just in case your life circumstances change beyond your control.
You guys both are right (Dollysmom and axis1) as for Dollysmom, I completely agree, I worded that wrong. Obviously, no one knows when their circumstances are going to change. What I meant to say is when you get a pet you have to think ahead and try to figure out if your circumstances do change in the future and you can no longer take care of your pet well, what you would do. You need to have a plan.
And as for Axis1, I didn't mean to sound so sympathetic of the previous owner, she was completely in the wrong, and it makes me mad to think of the state my snake was in when I got him. Neglecting and animal (or human) that relies completely on you is unforgivable. But I was saying the one thing she did right (although way to late) was when her circumstances changed and she no longer took good care of the snake, she gave him to someone who could.
No problem. You didn't say anything wrong. I'm just a little sensitive after the forced transition I had to make a few years ago. Then again, I came out the other end of it with an unbelievably better life, including my snabies.