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reptile show


New member
ive never been to one and theres one up in new hampshire next weekend. whats the deal is everything really cheap or something? or is it more of a way to get a harder to get animal? its 2.5 hours from me. i thought it was about 1.5 so now im not sure if im gonna make the trip.
You can normally get supplies (feeders) alot cheaper than you would anywhere else. You are able to talk to a variety of breeders, and see a variety of reptiles. It depends on what you are looking for..but most often common reptiles are cheap or decent priced.

Shipping for reptiles runs about $55-$75, so for some people the shows are cheaper way to go. You can also view the animal in person, rather than buying online going with a picture.

Personally, if you are planning to go..I would wait till midsummer/summer and make it worth the drive. Righ now most reptiles are not being bred, most breeders are trying to sale their leftover 2011's. Again though, it depends on what you are wanting.
Hilary put it very well.

In addition to everything she said, though, expos are also just plain fun. It's fun to browse around and see all the animals and the variety in one place, and to be able to interact with dozens of other reptile lovers. Back when I lived 2+ hours from the nearest expo, I always found it worth it to drive that 2+ hours just for the fun of going, even if I didn't buy anything. This year, I was half-tempted to drive 6+ hours to the Denver expo, just for fun! Of course, maybe that's just me--goodness knows I'm not quite right in the head, LOL! :)
thanks eveyone. id definatly be more apt to go but next weekend i have my 2 girls. 2.5 hours one way in the car will be a little aggrivating lol. i havent written it off yet though.

what are the chances of getting an adult or something close to it there? do they just sell primarily hatchlings? i suppose i could get a hatchling but id have to buy a ton of frozen pinkys there. the shipping for frozen mice kills it for me, so i just stick with my one adult for now. i like the one mouse every 2 weeks option you get from an adult:)
I looked up "New England Reptile Expo", checked the vendor list, and I would say your chances of getting an adult (if that is what you want) are very good. You can also check vendor reputations on Fauna, so you know who you do or don't want to buy from before you get there.