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Rescued baby blood

So I took in a rescue today...

Meet (insert name here, lol). He is a Bloodred corn snake baby from Petsmart. He escaped from his cage at the store several times, but this time got pinched between a couple shopping carts and broke his back. Severely injured, the vet wanted to put him down, but the staff of Petsmart (including my girlfriend) wanted to help him as best as they could, and I was lucky enough to be the one they called. After they stopped the bleeding with quick stop and gave him a little time to relax, I picked him up. Once I got home, I carefully handled and inspected him to see the severity of the injury, and was thrilled to see that he responded to me touching below his injured back (he moved the part of the body I touched)! I set up a small hospital cage with a paper towel bottom (to see if his bowels are still working) and placed it inside of Reggie's larger cage. I plan to give him some time before trying to feed him, for risk of causing more damage internally. Wish him luck, he's probably the friendliest baby I've ever seen. Despite his injury, he acts like a perfectly normal snake, being curious and moving around.

Is there anything I should do for him in particular to speed up healing so I can feed him without worry?

(Just realized I can't post pictures on this site from my phone... Pics asap)



I would remove the decor and just put a paper towel roll in so he doesny reopen the cut. I'd keep him away from your other snake ,quarantine him in case he is carrying parasites or a disease. If it were me, I'd also make a vet trip for some antibiotics as that looks deep, not just an abrasion. His back could be broken without having severed the spinal cord, but handling or moving could cause it to sever. I wish you the best with him.
^^ This. First 3 sentences were exactly what I was thinking. I'm sure you know, if there is spinal or intestinal damage there is pretty good chance he won't survive this. I wish him the best.