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sad craigslist story


ACR#774 NevaeH Reptiles
I saw on craigslist yesterday about someone who had 2 albino (not sure if they were, didn't have pics attached) corns and all accessories, tanks etc. for $200. I emailed for info and pics. I received an email that "I have to use a glove when I take them out because they are aggressive when I first separate them but calm down after they are separated and held for a while." She said she keeps a humidity box in there all the time, but is out of moss. And it comes with a heat lamp and heat rock as well. What is she thinking...:headbang:housing them together, humidity box 24-7 and a heat lamp and a heat rock!!!! So I told her no thanks and not to send pics. I also passed on info about UTHs with temp control and housing them together. I told her it wasn't an attack on her but some useful info to pass on to the next person. I really wanted to rescue these snakes but with the way they have been treated...oh she has had them for 4 years!!! And she said they were skinny!!! I didn't want to bring them into our home and take any chances....God only knows what else could be wrong there.
Luckily, we did end up getting to rescue one from someone else, right down the road...see pic gallery.
Just had to share that piece of info....had to vent!!!:fullauto:
Eh, not the worst I've seen.

On the other hand I just realized that's a 40gal zilla critter cage, I wonder if I could get that for a good price and just clean it really well.
oh i forgot about the feeders part...she said she feeds them once a month only live...i just hope someone who knows corns gets them and does well with them...just a little more for us to take on now with the 8 we have...we do plan on getting more soon but something a little more less critical care.
How many snakes are you guys aiming to have? Are you planning to breed them?

I wish I had the time and energy (and money) for more pets, but just thinking about having 8 snakes tires me out!
That's 8 snakes in less than 2 months! I have never heard of anyone hoarding snakes! J/K I can't say much as I have 14 and more coming, but I do plan on breeding. Question to 4riscorn: Do you have a quarantine area? I have noticed looking through all the posts that you guys seem to pickup a new snake every week or so. Just wondering since you said you would be worried about what else the older snakes might bring with them (parasites I would guess). What about the babies your bringing home every week? They would bring home the same risks.
I rescued a Cali King in a similar situation over the Christmas holidays. My mom's, sister in law's friend had a son (sound's legit, right?) that went away to college, and couldnt take his adult Cali with him. Mom, although terrified of the snake, would feed it a live mouse once a month, and pour water in her bowl. Thats it... through the grapevine I mentioned above, she asked me if I wanted her, which of course I did. I went to pick her up, and she had two full sheds still in her 20 gallon tank, plus MANY piles of poo, and she was very thin.

Now, two months later, she's converted to f/t, shed twice, and is fattening up nicely!
It's pretty sad to see how some people keep their animals. Maybe it's best that they are finding new homes for them. What is really sad is that they could be kept in even worse conditions if a person with less experience gets them and doesn't decide to learn proper husbandry. I bet this "seller" is going to pass on her infinite wisdom, with them.

:-offtopic 14 snakes! WOW, I remember the days when I had only fourteen snakes. Life was so simple then. <~[Sarcasm]

I have over 50 now and it's not that hard. C'mon, they eat every one to two weeks and poop just as often. I think the hardest part is deciding who I want to hold next. :shrugs: For me, it's definitely a labor of love!

Good luck on whatever you decide. I think a good quarantine program and a quick trip to the vet to do a fecal would suffice.

I feel you, I miss the days of only a few snakes... I want to cut back down to that lol..

I hope those snakes end up ok..
You breeders are making me jealous. I guess once I'm no longer a fulltime student and can spend more time in the evenings (and can afford annual costs, vet bills, and emergency fund for more than one snake), I might pick up a second. More likely, though, I'll wait until I own a house, at which point Snakeypants will probably be a senior citizen.
Yea I worry about who she will sell them too...hopefully she will mention all I told her. We were going to go ahead and email her back but beings she said they were aggressive that worried us with having an 11 yr old who loves holding his snakes and if he got attacked by one he would feel differently. Maybe we'll check back in a couple weeks to see if they are still on there. I probably peed her off by my "instructions".

As far as our snakes we bring in, we keep them in our room away from the others for the first few days and bleach everything they came with, if anything. I also have mite spray handy just in case...so far so good.

And remember the Amel that we saw at the pet store we go to (the mom and pop type one)? They wanted $49 for it and everyone said since it was just an Amel and very small it was too expensive, well, my step-daughter who is 18 saw a pic of it and now wants it. I told her that it was too small and too expensive and I am sure we could get her one somewhere else from a breeder but I have a feeling she will get her way...she has only been living with us for 2 yrs and well, let's just put it this way...remember Varuca on Charlie and the Choc fac? Well, that is her!! We are going down tonight to pick up a few things and I bet she'll want to ride along. They had some older , 6-9 months, norms there and I think an Okeetee, if they are still there that is, that maybe we can talk her into instead. But she is wanting a brightly colored one. And she only wants it because we all have picked out our own but her. Just 2 weeks ago, she was throwing a fit because we even had snakes...go figure. More than likely it will end up ours anyway--she can't even make her bed much less care for a snake...she has had like 6 fish and 2 frogs die in 2 months!!

As far as how many we want..well probably at least 20...then we may breed, if we learn enough, in another year or so. Our adults will be ready in another year, just don't know if we will be yet...there is so much to learn....

Thanks for all your input along our journey..will let you know what happens after we get home from the pet store..
That's 8 snakes in less than 2 months! I have never heard of anyone hoarding snakes! J/K I can't say much as I have 14 and more coming, but I do plan on breeding. Question to 4riscorn: Do you have a quarantine area? I have noticed looking through all the posts that you guys seem to pickup a new snake every week or so. Just wondering since you said you would be worried about what else the older snakes might bring with them (parasites I would guess). What about the babies your bringing home every week? They would bring home the same risks.
Good question, Chuk.
Personally I use strict quarantine with new snakes, even if they come straight from a trusted breeder. Different rack, different room, different feeding and handling days. I learnt the hard way, buying a snake with mites. Those mites spread fast! Although that snake didn't thrive and had to be euthanised, no signs of disease spread to my other snakes, but it was a real wake-up call. The more I read about mites as a vector for disease the more horrified I was that I could have doomed the rest of my snakes by not taking simple precautions.
We always use hand sanitizer in between handling each snake as well. There is a local child who has salmonella from her pet snakes. She is in the hospital now..her kidneys have shut down and if she doesn't get a transplant she will die. Not sure how old she is. Sanitation is so important and some people just think "Oh well, we are clean, so are the snakes" but that isn't always the case. So we always wash our hands well before the first handling, hand san in between and wash well afterwards.
We always use hand sanitizer in between handling each snake as well. There is a local child who has salmonella from her pet snakes. She is in the hospital now..her kidneys have shut down and if she doesn't get a transplant she will die. Not sure how old she is. Sanitation is so important and some people just think "Oh well, we are clean, so are the snakes" but that isn't always the case. So we always wash our hands well before the first handling, hand san in between and wash well afterwards.
This is gonna sound cold, but... what a messy little girl she must be, I'd guess she has her fingers in her mouth more often than not if she managed to catch salmonella. Honestly if people would just stress the importance of washing you nasty grubby hands disease, not just salmonella but in general, would probably be some much less common.
I agree Pepper...don't know about the girl but my mother-in-law called freaking out over the story (she still thinks we have 2 corns!) But she probably didn't practice good sanitation. I just found out she was 6 so I guess the parents didn't enforce it either.
Update..we actually went to the pet store and came home with only supplies!! P.S. Daughter didn't know we went..hehehehe
I look on craigslist everyday for corns that need to be rehomed. today, around 10 am a guy said he needs his corn gone TODAY because he was moving and could not take it. I called him and said I would take the corn and he said it would be $60 (this included a 20L tank with all the goods...i dont need any of this.) well i dont have that much right now to be spending on things other than gas/food exc so i said by the end of the night if he doesnt find someone for the snake to give me a call and i will take the snake for free and he could sell the tank easier this way and he said sounds good with him cuz he "didnt want the snake to suffer." I called him about 9 pm to check up on the snake see if it got rehomed and he said "no i just let him out the back door because none of the calls wanted to buy him for $60. WOW People are so stupid and careless.
Also there is a guy that posted a trio of corns for $80 or $30 a piece, he now only has 1 left and wants $50...(I noticed it was the same phone number as other ad) people now days...
I look on craigslist everyday for corns that need to be rehomed. today, around 10 am a guy said he needs his corn gone TODAY because he was moving and could not take it. I called him and said I would take the corn and he said it would be $60 (this included a 20L tank with all the goods...i dont need any of this.) well i dont have that much right now to be spending on things other than gas/food exc so i said by the end of the night if he doesnt find someone for the snake to give me a call and i will take the snake for free and he could sell the tank easier this way and he said sounds good with him cuz he "didnt want the snake to suffer." I called him about 9 pm to check up on the snake see if it got rehomed and he said "no i just let him out the back door because none of the calls wanted to buy him for $60. WOW People are so stupid and careless.
Also there is a guy that posted a trio of corns for $80 or $30 a piece, he now only has 1 left and wants $50...(I noticed it was the same phone number as other ad) people now days...
WOW! What a horrible person, what if the snake can't find water? What if it's preyed upon by the MANY things that eat snakes? For someone who doesn't want the snake to suffer...

Also about the other one... you'll find a lot of the "adoptions" and "rehoming fees" are actually sales and price tags more often than not.
Ugh. I hate people who do that crap on Craigslist. There is actualy a mother and son team here that take peoples free reptiles, cats, dogs. Then "resell" them on craigslist. Needless to say so many people have gotten screwed over by these guys the police are now looking into it. But I still see them advertising on craigslist every few days offering to take in specific reptiles. This week its been red tail boas. :sidestep:
Luckly a local reptile rescue caught wind so every few days they also post their contact information :D
OMG...that is horrible! I also look every day (if you can't tell by now ha ha) and there is one on there now that says "missing end of tail..must have been bad shed...rehoming fee negotiable"..didn't say how much...poor snake! Also have you noticed that some of the "bad" ads have lots of "missing words, words not spelled right, etc." ex: got this snake take for $50 not lots of helding, got stuff for it two...etc etc." Not all of us have proper english or correct spelling, heck, I don't even half the time but you can usually tell by the way it is written what you are going to get...like the one I mentioned at the beginning of the thread. I had to read it over and over just to understand it...no punctuation either. Just kept running on and on..okay so that is what I am doing. But you get my point.
yeah people are terrible on there. i find a lot of people are taking birds on craigslist and reselling for a higher price. its horrible. not fair to the animals. Im sure the corn that the guy let go is going to die, actually im about 100% sure it will. its below freezing here at nights and during the day its only getting up to 45 at the most.