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Sad Morning for me..


Ole' Stoic Viper...
My ole cat, a fellow we adopted about 6 or 7 yrs ago from the shelter, passed away this morning. He went down hill really quick, with diabetas, and I know the last couple of years he was having hip troubles, with them swelling up . He picked me to give a home.. Poor fellow was a mess, crossed eyed, looked like a he suffered a broken nose at some point, tear in the ear, but I could hold him like a baby, and rub the belly and he would purr in a stroke or two.. I am happy he is not suffering any more, hope he is at home in some field chasing the mice and birds..

RIP Mr Clarence Wang...
I am so sorry! At least Mr Wang had a good home for the last years of his life, even though he wasn't a beauty. I have a soft spot for battered street toms, they often turn out super-sweet.

I will ask my angel cats, particularly Phillip, who liked other cats even before he went to the Rainbow Bridge, to help Mr Wang adapt to the Bridge & show him the tasty, easy-to-catch prey there. (((hugs to you and him)))

Betsy, 20 snakes, 3 cats and a bunch of Bridge angel cats
I'm sorry for your loss. It's hard to loose a pet, but it's always nice thinking about the great times. I'm sure you gave him an great 7 years.
Thanks guys.. That means a lot to me.. Sometimes us big ole bruts have a soft spot occasionally.. Not sure if I am going to be able to go out tonight though..
I am sorry for your loss Tim. No matter that we know it is time for them to go, it never makes it any easier on us who are left behind. I am sure he had a wonderful life with you and knew how much he was loved.
I I hope my girls join Betsey's angel kitties in welcoming him to the Rainbow Bridge.
I am so sorry Tim. It is never easy but it helps to remember that he had a wonderful life. And he will wait for you at the Bridge..
Well over time, we know that these four, footed, furry, friends end up being like family.. I am glad he is not suffering any more..
Rest well, my furry friend
There is no more pain for you
By the hole in my heart
Know that you were loved
Your time here was too short
But your presence gave me joy
Rest well, my furry friend, rest well
Rest well, my furry friend
There is no more pain for you
By the hole in my heart
Know that you were loved
Your time here was too short
But your presence gave me joy
Rest well, my furry friend, rest well

That was lovely.. Its how I am feeling at this point..
We have two old cats (15 and 16) and I know they won't be here forever. I can't imagine losing them, though. I'm glad your "old man" is resting well now.
I'm SO sorry! Mr. Wang sounds as if he was an extremely special cat. You must be very special people to have been chosen by him to provide him with a happy home. I hope you can find comfort and peace in knowing that the old fellow undoubtedly had a wonderful life with you--and you have wonderful memories of him to sustain you through the hard times. *HUGS*
R.I.P. Mr Wang. My Condolences for your loss, Tim. I have a cat that adopted me 10 years ago. He is struggling these days himself. I think I can sympathize with what your going through.
So sorry to hear about Mr. Wang, Tim. The hardest part about having pets in knowing we will outlive most of them. At least you know he had a loving home and someone who loved him dearly. I'm sure he was happy and at peace at the end. My thoughts are with you.
Tim I am so sorry for your loss. It's always hard to lose a friend. Just keep rememebring the good times.