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Scale issue?


New member
I wasn't sure how to describe it so I tried to take a couple pictures, these were the best I could do. It kinda looks like a thin top layer of the scale is peeling up. What is this, should I be concerned? Is it just remnants of his last shed (March 11th)?


I checked a couple of my adults and I see that same thing on one. I am not sure if it is something that is a potential problem. I am wondering if it is something to do with the dry weather? Not sure! It doesn't seem to be a problem. Maybe you should check your humidity. That is what I am gonna do.

Good Luck

Is your viv set up in any way that the snake would move backwards...seriously...like suddenly jerking its neck and head back inside a hide that has rough edges?
Anyhoo, there are various commercial brands of shed assisting moisturizers, that also serve to condition dry skin between sheds. I like to keep a couple of those spritzers around.
My texas rat snake had that problem for a long time. I forgot to take into account that he lived in a very moist region of Canada since he was hatched. And it is much dryer here. So I just upped his humidity levels and he has been fine since!

On second thought...it looks like a little more than the first layer is coming off on your snake, just from what I see. I am no expert but try to up your humidity levels and good luck!
I am wondering if it is something to do with the dry weather? Not sure! It doesn't seem to be a problem.

Well, he's never had problems before, but there's a first time for everything. I live in Texas, so it is pretty dry out here. I sometimes mist the tank a little when it looks like Spyro's about to shed, but I don't always see when it's about to happen, he surprises me sometimes. :rofl:

Is your viv set up in any way that the snake would move backwards...seriously...like suddenly jerking its neck and head back inside a hide that has rough edges?

I don't think so, nothing seems to have rough edges, to me anyway..

I'll try misting a little more often and see if that helps. If not, might try out one of those moisturizers vetusvates mentioned. Probably good to have on hand anyway just as a precaution.