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Settleing in....


Desperate to Edit
Just got little Saga home. She made a beeline for the first hide she saw once in her viv, and she hasn't come out or burrowed since then, so I figure she's adjusting alright. I check on her when I get up and just before I go to bed (you can just barely see her coiled up in there without a flashlight), but otherwise I've been trying to leave her alone. Thing is, the rest of the family keeps invading my room to try to sneak a peek of her! I've been keeping it dark in my room to try to get them to stop bugging her, but of course, my tech-crazy brother brings home a pair of night-vision goggles and keeps going in for a look in the dark....

Will this stress her out too much? I just keep thinking that if they keep peeking into her hide, she'll get in her head that she's not so safe and secure there....

I've been thinking about switching her hot and cold hides so it'd be harder to look in at her while she's supposed to be adjusting, but to do that, I'd also have to flip the climbing branch and the plants (because of how I have it set up).... So, since I'd have to reorganize the whole viv, I'd have to pull her out during the process, thus interrupting it.... I dunno. What do you all think?

The hot hide is a simple coconut husk, the cold hide is a tree with two entrances/exits, but they're much smaller/harder to see through than the opening for coconut.
I think the peeking will be a lot less disruptive than a full-on reorganisation of the tank. In your shoes, I'd maybe just move of one of the plants in front of the hide so nobody can see in too easily.
They say you shouldn't put your viv in a high traffic area however i go in to check the humidity and temps of my snake's viv a couple of times a day. i think you'll be fine.
I don't think a flashlight would be a good idea. Try to find (not easy) red LED lights, that way you can easily see them when they come out. I have IKEA dioder lights, but Destarte posted some he found that are a little cheaper. Probably in the DIY section. I can't remember.
Well, it wasn't in a high-traffic area until I got Saga. LOL. Thanks for the advice, I'll try the plant thing. :)
I'm not using a flashlight, I meant that you can see her (just barely) with just the bedroom light on. Just a shape curled up in a shadow. If I were using a flashlight, I'd have no right to complain about my brother and his night-vision goggles. XD I've been thinking of getting some of those, but if I do, it'll be after we move into the new house and I get a snakeroom.... XD
I have got to contribute and get that much-needed edit button....

I meant some LEDs, not night-vision goggles....
Snakes are tough little guys. Don't worry about it- just don't handle your little guy yet.
I mean, don't worry about the traffic and and peeking at him. Don't reorganize the tank, though.
You all were right, because she seems to be fine! I caught her out and about last night, and when I went in there earlier, she was hanging out next to her hide, instead of inside it.... I thought that was a little odd, but at least she's not hiding so much now. XD
Aren't they just sooo cute? When I see that little head peeking out it just melts me! I thought you said a flashlight, sorry. The red LED lights are really nice. Just a little expensive.