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WiLd&CrAzEy tHiNg
Mmmkay... got a question. I don't have enough money to buy a blood red. But I was thinking, would anyone consider it reasonable if I found some one with a bloodred, our two snakes mated, and they could have all the other hatchlings except for one bloodred and one other hatchling (for a frend ;)). Is it even possible for a "female" (uncertain) normal corn to give birth to a blood red (or a bloodred mating with a normal to give birth to another red? --or would one trait mask the other. Hrmmmmnn......
Hey, if any one lives in so. Cal and in Saugus, and would like to give this a try go ahead and contact me.
in order to do that, your snake would have to be Het for bloodred. Check out serpwidgets website for his genetics tutorial at www.serpwidgets.com there is a big show by disneyland next week that you could get a bloodred at... and i'll be there too :p
the so cal show coming up is i think at the Hyatt on Chapman and Harbor which is about a blok away from disneyland. Its on Sept 11 and Kathy Love will have a booth there. The website is www.NARBC.com
If you can't afford the snake, wich really is the cheapest part, how will you pay for everything else? Or will you give him/her the 'cheap' treatment? And what is case of emergency vet visits?
Not meaning to be insulting or anything. I'm sure you'll take great care of the snake. But are you aware of the costs later on and can you afford those?
Jicin, I'm not trying to offend you, so please don't take this the wrong way. A lot of times you automatically think that people don't have the money to care for the snakes later on, and sometimes they don't. However, many people already have the setup, or their snake budget only allows for a $15 normal corn after everything else is taken care of. This doesn't mean they're cheap and plan on making their pet suffer for it later, but it does mean that the person in question can't afford to get an expensive morph. In order to get a bloodred in my area, I would have to go to the nearest reptile shop and shell out $150 for just the snake. I could order it online, and end up paying almost as much for the snake plus shipping. Perhaps TigerLily is in the same situation. But, if she breeds her own, the cost (while still there) is more spread out and easier to deal with. She's already got a snake, so she knows the costs. Please don't get offended, I'm not trying to lecture at you, but people will take your advice, which can be really good, more seriously if you don't insult their intelligence right away.