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Snake escaped and I never knew it!!


Only slightly crazy...
Let this just be a reminder to anyone who thinks their snakes are too small to reach the top of the tank and escape...

I just got home and went to go tinkles, and found my bloodred male Vlad curled up around the hinge on the toilet seat lid. How my parents didn't see and flip the fudge out, I don't know.
Or how on the way from my room to the bathroom he didn't stop by the water heater/AC unit closet.

I feel so incredibly lucky. And now, I have a stack of textbooks on the top until I can get locks.

Wowie. o_____O

So lucky... so freakin lucky... and to think I almost sat on him... :eek1:
Its good that you found the little snake. Yes, the locks are going to be verry much needed if you dont want your snake to get out again. Lucky, lucky, lucky...
Just as a warning, some lock/lid combos do not hold very tight. I had one of my snakes still slip out even with the locks on. I still keep heavy books on top of some of my tanks as extra insurance!

Glad you found him and he is ok! It is amazing where some end up. I had a baby crawl off the shelf, across the room, under the door, across the hall, under another door, into the closet, bury herself is the farthest corner, managing to avoid the gauntlet of 4 dogs and 3 cats! Crazy!
Just as a warning, some lock/lid combos do not hold very tight. I had one of my snakes still slip out even with the locks on. I still keep heavy books on top of some of my tanks as extra insurance!

Ohh really? So then I'll just have to pick out which ones carefully then. Thank you. :] And I've definitely learned from this little mishap....
Yeah, freaked me out when I saw Una cruising around on top of someone else's tank and she had locks on her top. It turns out some of my screens have slightly thicker metal borders, so the locks do not fit is tightly. She has able to push a corner up. Just be aware, and test them!