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Snake won't constrict


New member
So I have had my baby corn snake for about over a month now and when he eats he won't constrict he just strikes it then starts swallowing it I have tried to shake it while it was in is mouth. To make it seem like it was Alive but he just stands there. Someone help!?
That's what they do- not waste energy killing something they can safely swallow alive.
I have an adult ghost that has never constricted his meals. (I feed all mine f/t) And I also have couple other adults that will constrict even though they are f/t when I offer it to them on tongs. My baby milk snake I haven't seen constrict, she just takes an eats. They are all different. :)
yep, NONE of my colubrid babies have ever constricted with the exception of a king snake hatchling. Even if I fed live (long time ago) they would just swallow them alive. It was horrible. However, I currently have a year old anery who is nuts, she smells mouse and goes INSANE. So I fed her off tongs yesterday and she constricted for about all of 5 seconds before just chowing down. But my other corn just looks at me like I'm crazy if I move the mouse around. He'll just eat even if I try moving it since he knows it's dead. Lol.
My corn started as a baby when I first got him constricting and now never constricts just goes right to eating f/t pinkies. Its normal.