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Snakes spotted in your area?


Is it summer yet?? :)
Hey all!!! :D Figured I'd start a new thread so that everyone can post what they've seen in there neck of the woods, all in one spot?? I'm super excited because with all this snake talk, I decided to go for a hike today in Exeter, RI, I'm just bummed I didn't bring my camera!! It's ALWAYS when you don't bring it you wish you had it, but when you DO remember it that's when you never see anything :/ Anywho went a little astray.
I went today and saw 3--yes 3 black racers!!! woot woot!!:rofl: So awesome!!
I'm going to see how long there gestation period is and go back to see if I can find any babies :D I'll definately remember to bring my camera then!
Happy Herping!
Living in an urban area, I rarely see snakes, here. I saw a garter snake last summer, but that was it. I hope I get luckier than that this year :).
well here in Ky. i have seen garter snakes, northern ringneck snakes, "cow suckers" Ky lingo for black racer, "red chicken snake" Ky for corn snake, a couple of green snakes, a huge number of copperheads, and a couple of rattle snakes. oddly the name of my home town is "Viper", really lol.
So far this spring. 1 black racer, 2 kings(1 in the mouse shed ate a colony and was to fat to get back out, released), 2 green water snake, 1 large brown water snake, 1 grey rat , and 2 timber rattlers(baby one in the back yard,relocated).
Ouch that king had a great meal ><

Well... we've seen two black racers on the road, didn't have my camera >< ... And a king snake in the driveway...
I've seen one black rat crossing the road (I made the driver I was with swerve to avoid it, nice job Dave :) ) a garter snake and a northern water snake so far
2 Black Rat Snakes this Spring at my Disc Golf Course.

I nearly stepped on one because I was focused on where my disc went into the rough. My cousin is the one who said "Watch Out!".

I would have felt horrible if I had stepped on the little guy.
2 Black Rat Snakes this Spring at my Disc Golf Course.

I nearly stepped on one because I was focused on where my disc went into the rough. My cousin is the one who said "Watch Out!".

I would have felt horrible if I had stepped on the little guy.

Disc Golf Rocks! I saw a juvenile Cottonmouth last time I went to my local course. Bout 3 feet long and you could still see the pattern that they have as babies. I couldn't get close enough for a decent picture with my cell phone and my friends were freaking out when I tried. sissies.

I live in WV and we are supposed to have timber rattle snakes. But in all my years wondering the forests, I've never seen one! But this year one has decided to live under a wood pile in my field! I've seen it twice so far. I want to try and take a picture of it. But I have to catch it crawling somewhere because I don't want to get close enough to be bitten.
This is very cool, I love everyone's sightings!!!! :cheers: Of course I went to the same spot we had spotted the black racers and not one sign.....figures!!! I will not give up, and now that I know there at least a handful of native snakes around here, I just make go on a couple snake hunts this summer!! ;)
Does 'where I was living' 7 years ago count? Hope so because I'm gonna tell you anyway...

In Arizona (I was there for about 4 months), there are a lot of 'flat' snakes that can be seen on the road. While on the way back home from a fishing trip at Lake Pleasant (a little north of Phoenix), I got a chance to remove a snake from the road before it got flattened. Most of the fishing from the shore is done at the south end of the lake where there is easy access. My buddy had his 4x4 Jeep so we headed to the north end of the lake - the last 4 or 5 miles being a dirt road that took us close to an hour to traverse.

Well, the sun had gone down (when snakes slither out on roads to enjoy the warmth) and we were on our way back down the dirt road when we saw it. By the time he had stopped, the snake was between the front tires so I asked him to back up about 15 ft. so I could see the snake in the headlights. He asked "You're not going to...?", and I answered "Yes I am!" I grabbed my 40 inch snake hook (how prophetic of me to bring it, huh?) and got out of the vehicle. As I approached it, it coiled up into striking position and was being very 'loud'. My first attempt to get it on the hook failed and it started to come towards me so I kept it at bay with the hook. My second attempt was successful so I took it about 25-30 ft. off the road and put it down where it wouldn't get run over. While I had brought a camera with me, I was more focused on the task at hand so didn't get any pics.

Anyway, that's my story of how I rescued a 3 to 3 1/2 ft. Mojave Rattlesnake from possibly being ran over.

Hubby was chaffuering me back from the Dr. ( I got nailed by a rather unhappy cat yesterday and I have a rather fat hand. ) He took a road we both like that goes down between the hills and skirts a lovely, scenic creek that we love to ride our horses by. Right around a turn, in a big patch of sunlight, we ran across a big, black, rat snake. I made Drey stop the car so that I could make sure he made it safely to the other side. Instead I got the "Watchout! I'm a cobra!" reaction! I walked completely around this guy and he kept focused on me all the way. But he wasn't rattling his tail. ( Although I could see him gearing up his anus to musk me!) I finally managed to pick him up with a stick and my puffy hand and moved him to a rock in the sun on the roadside. He just froze there for a moment like "What? You're....NOT...going to eat me?" then he decided not to question his good fortune and took off into the brush. He was about a 5 footer, shiny as hematite with a few scars and fat as a butterball. So cool!

And no, I didn't have my camera! Of all the luck! He was a beaut!

I'll play. I haven't seen very many compared to what are around, but here are a few from close to home.

From the other night. The kingsnake was still perfectly alive so I put it out of its misery, which rather sucked.


From last summer.




Been a while since I've posted here. Been very busy the past few months
and haven't gotten around to checking out the boards lately.

More Snake sitings around here (Columbia SC) for this time of year, than
in previous years. Unfortunately, more DORs as well. Black Racers are
the most common and I've spotted about 5-6 of those on or near the
roads since Mid April. Saw one Copperhead on the side of a path
last week, and a couple of Garters. Have already seen two dead Corn
Snakes in the past two weeks. One was a very large adult (4' long). Also
seen a couple of dead Black Rat snakes.
Well, when I was little we used to live in Colorado, 16 miles out of town of Pueblo.
We used to find TONS of snakes.
Garter snakes, bull snakes, rattle snakes.

We caught a bull snake and measured it (my mother FREAKED out), and it ended up being 10 feet long. The whole thing was as long as our barn was long. It was really weird.

The garter snakes that we caught, we caught so many that we kept a broken fish aquarium when we went snake hunting, and I swear we caught about 15 in one day wandering around the onion/tree field that was west of our house.

We also caught and killed (because we were kids, had dogs, and my dad instructed us to), two eastern diamond back rattle snakes.
It was rather exciting to catch them as we would keep them alive as long as possible (and honestly my brothers and i didnt want to kill them, but my dad insisted because he was afraid they lived close to the house and didnt want us bit if we were wandering around)... but we kept them alive as long as possible by exploring them as we were holding them.
That rattle noise is something i will never forget.

When we moved to eastern kansas, we caught several garter snakes once again and were introduced to cotton mouths, copper heads, and water moccasins.
I believe it was a moccasin that we ended up coming upon, and I believe it was a she since she was sitting on something.
We didnt really pay much attention, but we ran off and the snake came after us as we were running away.
Luckily we got up to the school (we were in the forested area behind it), and went up on the pavement and got away a little quicker by jumping a few wooden fences.
Ill never forget it though, having a snake chase you for 1/4th of a mile is one heck of a race.

We moved to Missouri when i was 16, and when we would go fishing we would run into several water moccasins and cotton mouths.
I actually caught a cotton mouth once and kept her for a whole year. She was never de-fanged or altered, so she was still poisonous.
My mom hated me keeping her but I told her I never picked her up (which was a lie >_>), and she was okay with it then.
I would hold her carefully every day and I believe that I tamed her a little as she never struck at me and always took what food I gave her right away.
I named her Gorgita and really did love that snake, but when we moved I couldnt take her with me and let her go in the wild, since I started to do some research about keeping snakes and realized that I had to be over 18 and have a license to keep her.

Those are my tales... I recently ran into a copper head when I went fishing with my brother and it decided that the cooler we had with us was good and tasty, as it tried to bite it.
We ushered it off the road with a rather large stick, and honestly I was too freaked out to get a picture with my cell phone as we were thinking about getting fish and the snake came out of nowhere.