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solid block of mice


New member
went in on a bulk order of mice with my cousin. I honestly expected them to be individually frozen, but they came to her as a block of mice. her husband broke them up the best he could and they gave me the ones that are all or mostly in one piece. Is there a safe way for me to defrost them enough to pull them apart so I can package them up individually for ease of feeding? Just seems to me constantly partially defrosting them to pull a mouse off once a week would be worse?
Put them in the fridge and keep an eye on them, in about 2 Hrs they should be soft enough (but still kind of frozen) to pull them apart. Then bag em up and put them back in the freezer. Works for me, but someone might have a different way that works too.
If the mice were properly flashed frozen individually then packaged together then they should come apart easily. Usually if they are stuck together like that it's because the bag had thawed at some point. Continual thawing and freezing will eventually cause spoilage.

Are these pinky's ?
I agree- they shouldn't be frozen together at all. That would indicate the package had thawed and been refrozen at some time.

They wouldn't ever be individually packaged. Most places put them in a bag, some more neatly than others, and the bag is either vacuum sealed or not. A few places line them up on a styrofoam tray, which is nice.

I'd refreeze them separately, on a cookie sheet or whatever, then put them in a ziplock. Those vacuum sealing Glad bags work GREAT! You can just buy that at the grocery store. Then I'd put the ziplock in a tupperware, and store it like that.
I guess by individually frozen I meant the each one frozen individually and then packaged together. They are adult mice. I like the fridge idea, I do think continual thawing and refreezing would be bad, kind of why I want to do it all at once if possible
oh, and my plan is to repackage them in snack sized ziplocs, that way when its feeding time I can just grab a bag and plop it in water to defrost
I guess by individually frozen I meant the each one frozen individually and then packaged together. They are adult mice. I like the fridge idea, I do think continual thawing and refreezing would be bad, kind of why I want to do it all at once if possible

Well they should be frozen so they aren't stuck together. I don't know how mouse manufacturers do that, but they aren't supposed to be a solid block of mice. I think if they are dead, and dry, no matter how you package them, they don't stick. It's when they have been frozen, and thaw, and juices and condensation form, and then they are refrozen, all that leaked moisture freezes them together.