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Something's eating me

Teddy Roosevelt

i loev cronsankes
Literally! Every few days I find these little red marks on my body, in various places but most are on my legs. They start red and turn pinkish and rough, like a sunburn, over a day or two.
(please excuse the chubbiness; I haven't been well enough to go running in a few days)0331102309a.jpg

  • They do not itch
  • They do not hurt
  • They are not welts or raised
  • I can't see any particular bite mark, just clusters of red spots
  • I've never had a bedbug infestation in my life; I'm very cleanly.
  • I did just move my great-grandfather in from Oklahoma; he is NOT very cleanly.
  • They are no regular shape at all
Everything I've read about most common household bug bites tells me that because they don't itch at all, they are not bedbugs or fleas. It's worth mentioning that, after my grandfather moved in, there have also been some small, gnat-like black flying bugs occasionally in the house, smaller than fruit flies but bigger than regular gnats. What is this and how do I kill it?
>_> have any of them gone away? The pictures are blurry.... but it kinda looks like how ringworm (a fungus) starts. And it often doesn't start itching for a week or longer.
Not sure about ringworm, but since we've (I'm in AZ too) had so much rain, the mosquitos have come out quite early. I've got a few bites on me recently too and killed my first one of the season right here at my keyboard about an hour ago. My bites itch just a tad - which I resist so they go away faster.

Also, be aware that the dreaded Bed-Bug is showing up everywhere. Just to a cursory check of your place to be sure they're not there.

Hope you find out what they are soon... I really HATE getting "eaten alive" by things. :puke01:
Not sure about ringworm, but since we've (I'm in AZ too) had so much rain, the mosquitos have come out quite early. I've got a few bites on me recently too and killed my first one of the season right here at my keyboard about an hour ago. My bites itch just a tad - which I resist so they go away faster.

Also, be aware that the dreaded Bed-Bug is showing up everywhere. Just to a cursory check of your place to be sure they're not there.

Hope you find out what they are soon... I really HATE getting "eaten alive" by things. :puke01:
True but they aren't itchy like mosquito bites typically are for me, nor are they raised or have that obvious "something bit me here" look. Not sure how to check for bedbugs but if it is them I'm up the creek without a paddle, aren't I? They're notoriously difficult to remove.
Have you been feeling stressed out, or down as of late Lexi? I get VERY similar markings on my legs, arms, hands, neck and tummy when very stressed/depressed, which my doctor has called Hives. They're not always itchy, usually random in most ways. Its similar to an allergic reaction, but without an exturnal trigger.
That being said, you could also be devloping an allergy to a soap (either for you, or your clothing, or something like fabric softener, or anything else new) or a food, which can also look that way.
Or perhaps, its seasonal, like eczema which can devlope when the weather warms up.
I hope you figure it out! I have VERY sensitive skin, so things like this happen to me all the time...it really really sucks.
It doesn't look anything like ringworm to me. My daughter had it years ago, and it didn't manifest itself that way. I really does look like bedbug bites to me, which I have heard don't itch for many people and that is why they don't know they have Just something I had heard.
I did mention the pics were blurry, but that's how the latest round of ringworm began at my work place. :p Small red dots that went pink and rough. The first pic shows a large, irregular pink/red patch which is why I asked if they were going away.

Great... we're THOSE people now. Ack!!

It kinda looks like bed bugs to me too... but I had a nightmare two days ago about bed bugs so I am a bit paranoid at this point. Nothing like something feeding on you in the middle of the night to cause you to become even more paranoid.

We managed to get ours gone by utilizing flea bombs, diatomaceous earth and a toxic spray that we applied ourselves which was purchased from a local farm supply store. It took weeks of repeating our methods but we did manage to get rid of them. We also covered the mattress and boxspring liberally with D.E. and then covered those with impermeable mattress covers for several months.

You can find the bugs, if they are there, by lifting the mattresses and looking around the seams and edges. The neophytes are clear-white in color, while the adults are normal bug colors... kind of brownish.

You do NOT have to be "dirty" to get bed bugs, by the way. Tara and I are fairly clean people-- ours came in from a neighboring home when an out of town guest stayed there and brought them with her clothes and suitcase.

Oh yeah!! This was the finale for us-- Bed Bug Mace. It seemed to really work and it's 100% natural. We did couple this with the chemicals, but only in the bedroom. I used the Bed Bug Mace all over the house, even in pet rooms (be careful around birds, and ventilate-- they are sensitive to such things)

Have you been feeling stressed out, or down as of late Lexi? I get VERY similar markings on my legs, arms, hands, neck and tummy when very stressed/depressed, which my doctor has called Hives. They're not always itchy, usually random in most ways. Its similar to an allergic reaction, but without an exturnal trigger.
That being said, you could also be devloping an allergy to a soap (either for you, or your clothing, or something like fabric softener, or anything else new) or a food, which can also look that way.
Or perhaps, its seasonal, like eczema which can devlope when the weather warms up.
I hope you figure it out! I have VERY sensitive skin, so things like this happen to me all the time...it really really sucks.
Well of course. Taking care of my grandfather is a full-time job, not to mention I still have to go to school. But I've been more stressed than this and not had anything like this before. I think I'll have to resign myself to the idea that it's bedbugs. :(
Lauren, I appreciate your advice on removing them. I'll have to wait until my dad gets home tonight to check the mattress because my little twig arms would probably snap in half if I tried, but I'm hoping for the best. And yeah this would be my worst nightmare if it were bedbugs. Bugs are a huge phobia of mine and just thinking about an ant gets me itching nervously.
Generally the cleaner the environment the more bedbugs & hair lice will flourish - sounds odd doesnt it - but the less tidy - religiously clean etc the environment is - the less likely it is that creatures or fungi etc that will predate/kill the organisms concerned..

Head lice much prefer clean & regularly washed hair
And yeah this would be my worst nightmare if it were bedbugs. Bugs are a huge phobia of mine and just thinking about an ant gets me itching nervously.

:( i know the feeling. I was traveling in Europe last year, and stayed in a less than fancy hostel. It was great actually in a lot of ways, but there was bed bugs. That REALLY sucked, and kind of put a big dent in the trip. I moved places, but still...
And Jemma is right, they like clean people. I guess thats a compliment from the bed bugs. :poke:
I hope it works out Lexi, this kind of stuff happens to everyone but it really sucks its happening to you right now.