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Striking where did I go wrong?


New member
So tn I went to go and take my little blizzard out to handle. I have handled her for the past month with no problems. Always waiting 2-3 days after feeding, washing my hands before handling, moving slow and tapping the cage before I enter. Well tonight I did my routine washed hands tapped tank called her name and slowly entered the cage. I lifted her hide to find her laying there so I showed her my hand then went to pick her up. With that she strikes so I stop since this was the first time I have ever had her strike at me and she moves. I go back in to get her after she's moving once she's out she strikes at me two more times. I said she must be upset and put her back in her tank where she looked at me in her s pose as you can see in the picture and rattling her tail. I know she's not shedding I feed her in a container and its not close to feeding day. So what did I do wrong. Is this still normal baby behavior at 5 1/2 to 6 months old? By the way first picture was before I tried to get her out second is after she striked at me two or three times.


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Is she due to shed? They can't see properly during the process and can be very wary of being approached.

Other than that, what are the temperatures on the floor?

Had you eaten or handled anything with garlic in it before handling?
Sometimes they just get startled, too. It's best to then take her out and hold her for a few minutes till she relaxes, rather than let her "scare" you away.
Shes not ready to shed yet still no blue eyes or milkiness look. I did have some garlic bread with dinner now that you mention it. But what does garlic have to do with them? Does the smell spooke them or put the in hunting mode? And thanks nanci for the advice I did try to just push pick her up for her normal session but hater she kept darting and striking in my hand that's when I felt something was up.
Whenever I eat or handle garlic, mine spook right out about being picked up. Corns I've had for ten+ years who've never so much as huffed at me, but will take a warning nip at me.

My theories are that either garlic completely masks my smell so they don't recognise me as their usual "safe pink monster thing", or it mimics some kind of threat or warning pheramone which provokes a defensive response. I've never read anything about either scenario though, so it's all just guesswork on my part.
:roflmao: ^ but on a serious note you may be on to something bitsy. When I went to hold her this morning she was fine.
Thats wicked! Garlic huh? I wonder if its one of the main products in snake repelent you spray around the yard? I may have to look into this more...
Thats wicked! Garlic huh? I wonder if its one of the main products in snake repelent you spray around the yard? I may have to look into this more...
I'd do some research before trying out a garlic spray. On the current showing, you'd end up with a yard filled with psychotic snakes, all out to get you! It'd make the Zombie Apocalypse look like Grandma's afternoon tea party... :)
I'd do some research before trying out a garlic spray. On the current showing, you'd end up with a yard filled with psychotic snakes, all out to get you! It'd make the Zombie Apocalypse look like Grandma's afternoon tea party... :)

My inner evil scientist just laughed meniacly!


This is still incredibly interesting. Anyone have a bottle of snake repelant around? Kind of an odd product for a member here to have I realize, but interesting none the less.
found this http://www.snake-removal.com/repellent.html
look at the all natural ingredients really interesting!

Common Attempted Repellents:
Mothball Flakes - The most commonly sold snake repellent product.
Sulfur - Another commonly sold repellent, sometimes mixed with mothball flakes.
Predator Urine - Such as coyote urine, bobcat urine. Sold in liquid, granule form.
Blend of All-Natural Ingredients - Hot pepper, sulfur, peppermint, garlic, etc.
Ultrasonic Sound Emitters - Send out high-frequency signals meant to scare anything.
also in the article he states he does not think any of these are effective but who knows mabey we found how to PO corns:)
Sometimes when mine feel "pissy" I just leave them alone. Humans mostly think the Snake is in my world instead of thinking our world.
I can usually tell if my snakes want any interaction and if not, I just leave them alone.
She is doing alot better now myca, last night was feeding time and even after she ate she was alright with me picking her up to get her back in her cage. And some one may have to do a study, handling your snakes without touching garlic and with touching garlic let us know how you make out ;) but I know what your saying to rowdy my okeetee dosent want anything to do with me now that his eyes are blued and he's getting ready to shed.
My little guy took a shot at me today for the first time ever. Turns out he's getting ready to shed.

Glad you figured it out. The garlic thing is interesting.
Garlic had no effect (or is it affect?) on my girl. I peaked a clove a few days ago for pot roast. Afterward, I thought about this thread and thought to myself, hey, I should get the snake out and see if she'll note me....yes, that was my thought. I'm surprised my husband didn't have me committed, because I even texted him my plan. But nothing. :( ha ha ha! She didn't even seem to tongue flick any more than normal.
Garlic had no effect (or is it affect?) on my girl. I peaked a clove a few days ago for pot roast. Afterward, I thought about this thread and thought to myself, hey, I should get the snake out and see if she'll note me....yes, that was my thought. I'm surprised my husband didn't have me committed, because I even texted him my plan. But nothing. :( ha ha ha! She didn't even seem to tongue flick any more than normal.

Very interesting...as a side note, why wasnt I invited over for pot roast?!? ;)
Hmmm that's interesting my baby has been fine ever since. Maybe after she sheds ill try this as well. Just to she if she reacts the same way:) I was also almost comitted when I brought home my rescue BP. She says to many I say never enough.