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Suddenly stopped using warm hide, and stopped coming out at night?


New member
So the question says some of it, Sir Blinky has stopped using his warm hide, and I never see him out anymore. Should I be concerned? It all started at the end of January, after he shed, and possibly a bit before, he stopped coming out of his hide. I thought it was just the impending shed that was doing it before, but then he shed, and not only did he continue to not come out at all, but he also switched over to his cool side hide. I have eyes on his viv at all hours, and can confirm that he is staying inside his hide at all times (he may come out for an hour or less at times, can't be THAT sure). He used to be out all night, and very active. And he used to only ever stay in his warm hide. He would 'visit' the other hides, but never stay for more than just a moment. So on Feb 9. After his shed, I took him out and completely re-arranged his viv. New bedding and all (he's in a 20 gal glass aquarium turned vivarium). While I had him out (and every time I've had him out since he started acting differently) he acts mostly normal. His normal amount of energy, normal seeming breaths/breathing, tongue flicks all that. But even after changing stuff around, (switched the rock from warm side to cool, switched the cardboard box from cool side to warm, thinking it might have something to do with the rock, but nope, he now uses the rock on the cool side, he follows which ever hide is on the cool side, always avoiding the warm) he still avoids the warm side and doesn't come out any. I thought maybe the temps, but I'm doing everything the exact same way I was before, I have 2 probed therms and 1 temp gun all telling me the temps are fine (81-85). I've been avoiding feeding him due to winter storm Octavia dumping about 18 inches of snow on us (in fear of a power outage) and now I'm going to wait about 2 more days to feed, gonna give the expected 1" of ice and -15 degree temps to pass (once again, out of fear of mid-digestion power outage). So is this normal? This is my first ever reptile of any kind, so this could be completely normal and I wouldn't know, just seems weird. Should I go ahead and feed on the 21st like I was planning? Also, it is fine that he has went 10 days without eating right? I asked a friend and they said that 10 days without food is fine. Sir Blinky is about 22g, and about 8-9 months old, btw. I don't know if that info is relevant to this problem, but thought I'd let you all know anyways. Sorry for the long winded-ness, I'm just concerned about my little feller.
Unless he is losing weight or refusing many meals, I wouldn't worry. The weather is unusual where you are and it is the season of love (even though he is young) but he sounds fine.