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Tat-Electric Blue Lily..


Ole' Stoic Viper...
I love my daughters very deeply... Starting to work towards getting a half sleeves dedicated to my girls..

Not the latest addition but last weekends..


It should keep the vibrant colour.. We shall see in about a monthes time when its totally healed... There is around 9 different colours that make up the piece.. The next thing is for my oldest girl... She is desiging and drawing up a rose of her liking... She might even be able to run a few lines with the tattoo gun too.. Thats going to be a special piece to me.. The other addition to her side might very well be a Praying Mantis and have been considering have the Mantid on a Bleeding Heart Branch..

Daenerys mentioned...

Very very nice! Reminds me of a watercolor painting.

Some people that have seen the recent piece have asked how long it took using markers, or what a cool looking sticker..

Looking forward to more inking...
I am not at my final decision for a Mantid and Bleeding hearts quite yet.. But that might work into a cool piece I figure!
Very nice, Tim!!!! I wish I could do something like that for my girls and sons... but Mom wouldn't go for it and my children would probably not appreciate it as much as I would. LOL.

Very kewl!!!
That is GORGEOUS!!!

I am in the process now of trying to come up with something for my 3 boys but haven't decided what I want.

They are 9, 8 and 5, some people mentioned letting them sign their own name and have that done which is an awesome idea but I want something to go with it.
Thanks guys.. I appreciate the kind comments..

I am lucky enough to have a Wife that seems to support my lunacy.. *lol*